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First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to come to our events last year. Together, we learned things, shared our thoughts and experiences, and formed a stronger community of faith. If you weren’t able to join us, I want to extend an invitation for you to attend this year. You’ll make a difference!

On Wednesdays January 22nd and February 26th, we’ll be continuing our meetings on the New Testament “as it is,” to learn about Paul and his mission, and dive into 1 Corinthians to see how he met the challenges of the early churches. At 5:30 pm, we’ll share a soup supper and begin the discussion at 6:00 pm.

Our Wednesday evening Lenten Series, led by Carol Reifsteck and me, will step back and try to answer the question “Did
Jesus really live?”
 It offers a fascinating look at how Biblical scholars study the Bible along with other available evidence. (Spoiler alert: The answer is yes, but the fun is in how we get there). Then we’ll go into depth on the theme of apocalypse in the Bible and discern the meaning of the Book of Revelation to the people of that time.

  • Last year, Kim Voyle conducted a wonderful series on “Boundless Compassion,” and is considering how to offer further learning this year.
  • Ginger Hess hopes to offer another book discussion on a spiritual topic.
  • Connie Brown, who held the first “Lunch and Learn” session on Bystander Training, will continue with other Social Justice learnings.
  • The Bible Reading group will continue meeting weekly on Tuesdays and would be happy to see some new members join.
In addition, we’ll be focusing on new topics:
  • We will feature a series on “Hospice: How to Meet the End of Life with Dignity and Love,” focusing on caregivers, family and friends, as well as those who are dying. Annie Ritter will be co-hosting, and we will use the best-selling book “Nothing to Fear” as our guide.
  • We are also beginning to work with Tara Garrett, our Youth Group leader, to explore Stories from the Old Testament after the 10:00 am service every other Sunday, with an additional goal of greater communication between adults and our young adults.
  • Finally, Carol, Abby Mulcahy and I will hold a series of sessions on “Satan and Hell: How did they evolve from the Old Testament to today?” This promises to be a particularly spirited discussion!
All of these topics have come from the suggestions of our members. If you have a subject you’d like to explore, let us know!

~Rod MacDow, Adult Formation

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