Our loving community invites you to join us as we gather together to praise God with song and prayer, share scripture, and receive Christ’s Holy Communion. At St. Gabriel, everyone is welcome at the Lord’s table no matter who you are or where you are on your journey of faith.

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Welcome from Rev. Everett W. Charters IV

Greetings! Welcome to the website of St. Gabriel the Archangel. My name is The Rev. Everett Charters and I have the great good fortune to serve this parish as the Rector.

St. Gabriel is a vibrant and Holy Spirit-filled congregation whose leadership and members are dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In our Baptismal Covenant we profess that we will love our neighbor and respect the dignity of every human being and we understand that the mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. We pursue this mission as we pray and worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace, and love in our community.

If you have experienced Scripture being weaponized to exclude or harm you, St. Gabriel is a place of refuge and a place for healing. You will be safe here.

Our primary form of worship is our Sunday Holy Eucharist where we gather to hear the Word of God and to be united with Christ through Holy Communion. We worship with music, song, and prayer.

Think of us as that friendly neighborhood church on the corner regardless of what neighborhood you live in. Our door is open and we invite you to come and experience the joy of the love of God in this community of faith.

In the peace and love of Christ,


Join Us For Worship

Sunday Services

In-person and live online via Zoom

8:00 am Rite I Eucharist
10:00 am Rite II Eucharist

Sunday worship booklet

10:00 am Family Programs:

Church school: We offer two church school classrooms: Preschool- 3rd grade Godly Play in classroom #2; and 4th-7th grade Jr. Youth Group in classroom #4. Visiting children are welcome in church school! 

Nursery: We offer a staffed nursery in classroom #3 for infants and children up to 3 1/2 years. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary. 

Sr. Youth: Sr. Youth Group 8th-12th graders start a 10-week Confirmation class on Sunday, Sept. 15th in classroom #1. Those participating should attend as often as they can. Non-confirmand youth are still welcome to attend individual classes.

Wednesday Service:

9:30 am Morning Prayer Service/4th Wednesday of the month Rite I Healing Eucharist: 
In-person and live online via Zoom
Wednesday worship booklet

To join us for us for live online worship, get the Zoom links by going to the password-protected area in the lower right corner and entering the password. If you don’t know the password, please contact our church office by phone at 503-645-0744 during office hours or by email anytime at office@stgabrielpdx.org.

Where To Find Us

St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church of Portland, Oregon is located on top of a gentle slope in the suburban Bethany neighborhood in Washington County. You’ll find us where the cities of Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro meet at:
17435 NW West Union Rd, Portland, OR 97229
We are a 1/2 mile from 185th Avenue and 1 1/2 miles north of Sunset Highway 26.

Sign up or re-subscribe to The Messenger, St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church’s weekly emailed newsletter! We’d love you to join our community.


Special Events

Confirmation Classes for Sr. Youth 8th -12th graders continues Sundays Sept. 15th- Nov. 24th 10:00 am in the sr. youth room with the curriculum Confirm, not Conform. Sr. youth who want to be confirmed should attend this important rite-of-passage class series as often as possible, but other 8th-12th graders are welcome to drop in and attend classes during this time period also. 

Church-wide Season of Creation Observation through Sunday, Oct. 6th. Join us for this new church season as we celebrate and pray for creation care and our precious earth, sky, and waters, culminating with the Feast Day of St. Francis with pet blessings.

55+ Friendship Circle Game Time: Every other Thursday including September 19th and October 3rd and 17th 1:00- 3:00 pm. Free, in-person, drop-in social gathering for those 55 years and up to play board games and cards in the church narthex (foyer).

First Friday Dinner Friday, October 4th 6:00 pm at George and Debbie Kyler’s home- we will be celebrating an Oktoberfest theme. Please sign up on the sheet on the main bulletin board if you can come and indicate whether you will bring a German-style side, salad, bread, beer, or dessert to share. Sign up to host future First Fridays on the main bulletin board in the narthex. All adults are welcome.

Let’s sell out of our Outreach hygiene products for PCC Panther Pantry Sunday!  Buy pre-purchased ones for $1.25 each at the table in the narthex until they are gone so we can get them to students starting school. 

Third Tuesday Lunch Group Tuesday, Sept. 17th 12:00 pm. All are welcome at this monthly gathering to eat lunch and socialize. This month we’re having pizza so you don’t need to bring anything. Please RSVP to the office if you are coming. 

Third Tuesday Art Group Tuesday, Sept. 17th 1:00 pm. Meet in the church narthex- no artistic skills needed to come have fun exploring art materials at this free, drop-in monthly event with Nancy Leupold.

Choir Practice Begins Thursday, Sept. 19th 7:30 pm. All adult singers are welcome in the choir. To join, contact our music director Jessica Israels. 

Evensong for Victims and Survivors or Indian Boarding  Schools Saturday, Sept. 28th at 6:30 pm at St. Gabriel’s.

Feast Day of Michael (and Gabriel) and All Angels Sunday, Sept. 29th 8:00 and 10:00 am services. Special readings and a potluck lunch after the 10:00 am service around 11:15 am. We will let you know what items to bring to share.

The Annual Convention of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon Friday- Saturday Oct. 25th-26th at the Salem Convention Center. Follow this link for tickets and registration, hotel information, a tentative schedule, and more.

Confirmation/Receiving/Reaffirmation Classes for Adults 4 Sundays Oct. 27th- Nov. 17th 6:00 pm led by Everett+. Please contact him if you are interested in attending or want to know more about it. 

The Crafting and Caring Community Meeting: will start again Thursday, Sept. 26th at 1:00 pm in the church library.  

Celebration of New Ministry: Rev. Everett W. Charters IV as Rector of St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church: Thursday, Nov. 14th 6:30 pm, reception time TBA.  

Bishop Akiyama Visit and Reception Sun. Nov. 24th 10:00 am (no 8:00 am service) with confirmation or reaffirmation for sr. youth 8th- 12th grade and adults. Reception after service. 

Dispatches From St. Gabriel

Such joy and fun on Sunday, September 8th when we blessed our refurbished playground that…

>>>>>UPDATE to this Important Rite-of-Passage Sr. Youth Group starts with a planning meeting Sunday, Sept….