Our loving community invites you to join us as we gather together to praise God with song and prayer, share scripture, and receive Christ’s Holy Communion. At St. Gabriel, everyone is welcome at the Lord’s table no matter who you are or where you are on your journey of faith.

Find a gay-affirming Christian congregation near you by searching a directory with 9,368 churches around the world. www.gaychurch.org

A Word About Weather-Related Church Building Closures:

In the case of inclement weather and with the safety of our congregation, staff, and clergy in mind, our building and office may make the decision to close, and our in-person worship services or other events may have to be canceled. In that case we will still offer worship services or classes online via Zoom if at all possible. St. Gabriel follows the Beaverton School District’s cancellation decisions, so if the schools/school buildings are closed, we are too. To find out the latest updates, you can also check:

  —-Your email for an e-blast from St. Gabriel 

  —-Our church website at stgabrielpdx.org

Welcome from Rev. Everett W. Charters IV

Greetings! Welcome to the website of St. Gabriel the Archangel. My name is The Rev. Everett Charters and I have the great good fortune to serve this parish as the Rector.

St. Gabriel is a vibrant and Holy Spirit-filled congregation whose leadership and members are dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

In our Baptismal Covenant we profess that we will love our neighbor and respect the dignity of every human being and we understand that the mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. We pursue this mission as we pray and worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace, and love in our community.

If you have experienced Scripture being weaponized to exclude or harm you, St. Gabriel is a place of refuge and a place for healing. You will be safe here.

Our primary form of worship is our Sunday Holy Eucharist where we gather to hear the Word of God and to be united with Christ through Holy Communion. We worship with music, song, and prayer.

Think of us as that friendly neighborhood church on the corner regardless of what neighborhood you live in. Our door is open and we invite you to come and experience the joy of the love of God in this community of faith.

In the peace and love of Christ,


Join Us For Worship

Sunday Services

In-person and live online via Zoom.

(To get the Zoom links which don’t change from week-to-week, enter the password in the password area near the bottom right side of this page, get them from The Messenger, or contact our church office during business hours at 503-645-0744).

8:00 am Rite I Eucharist
10:00 am Rite II Eucharist

Sunday worship booklet

10:00 am Family Programs:

Church school: We offer two church school classrooms most Sundays: Preschool- 3rd grade Godly Play in classroom #2; and 4th-7th grade Jr. Youth Group in classroom #4. Visiting children are welcome in church school or are always welcome to sit with their families in the sanctuary. 

Nursery: We offer a staffed nursery most Sundays in classroom #3 for infants and children up to 3 1/2 years. Visiting families are welcome to use the nursery. Children are also always welcome in the sanctuary. 

Sr. Youth: Sr. Youth Group 8th-12th graders meet during the 10:00 am service in the sr. youth room classroom #1 the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and in have an intergenerational OT Bible study the 2nd and 4th Sundays after the 10:00 am service around 11:45 am- 12:30 pm in the narthex after coffee hour. All ages including adults are encouraged to join in the discussion as well for an intergenerational discussion on a drop-in basis.

Wednesday Service:

ONLINE ONLY via Zoom through April 23rd. Please email or call the office during business hours to get the Zoom link. 

9:30 am Morning Prayer Service/on the 4th Wednesday of the month Rite I Healing Eucharist

Wednesday worship booklet

Where To Find Us

St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church of Portland, Oregon is located on top of a gentle slope in the suburban Bethany neighborhood in Washington County. You’ll find us where the cities of Portland, Beaverton, and Hillsboro meet at:
17435 NW West Union Rd, Portland, OR 97229
We are a 1/2 mile from 185th Avenue and 1 1/2 miles north of Sunset Highway 26.

Sign up or re-subscribe to The Messenger, St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church’s weekly emailed newsletter! We’d love you to join our community.


Special Events

Supply “Guest” Priest Schedule: Feb.  16th Rev. Karen Tiegs; 23rd Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle; Mar. 2nd Rev. Chris Decatur; 5th (Ash Wed.) Rev. Karen Tiegs; 9th Rev. Chris Decatur; 16th Rev. Karen Tiegs; 23rd, 30th Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle; Apr. 6th Rev. Chris Decatur; 13th Rev. Karen Tiegs; Holy Week to be determined; 20th Rev. Karen Tiegs.

Church Office Closure  Tuesday Feb. 18th for Presidents’ Day.

55+ Friendship Circle Game Time: Every other Thursday 1:00- 3:00 pm including Feb. 20th and Mar. 2nd and 16th. Free, in-person, drop-in social gathering for those 55 years and up to play board games and cards in the church narthex.

Crafting and Caring Community Every other Thursday at 1:00 pm including Feb. 13th and 27th and Mar. 13th and 27th. Knitters, crocheters, or other creatives are welcome to this drop-in gathering in the church library to find support and create for charity. Bring your current project to work on.

Dungeons and Dragons Campaign and Crafting Corner most 1st and 3rd Sundays 12:00- 2:00 pm including Sunday, Feb. 16th and Mar. 2nd and 16th. Jr. and sr. youth 4th-12th grade are invited to play the role-playing game together in the jr. youth room classroom #4 or can choose to do art and craft projects. Questions? Contact Tom Martin or Brad Battles.

First Friday Dinners most first Fridays of the month at 6:00 pm including March 7th at 6:00 pm. We still need a host! Please sign up on the sheet on the main bulletin board if you can come and say what you can bring to share or if you would like to host a future dinner at your home or at the church. All adults are welcome. 

Intergenerational OT Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays through June 8th 11:45 am- 12:30 pm. Join Tara and Rod along with our sr. youth for a deeper dive into Old Testament stories and get to know the youth of our church. No RSVP needed- just stay after coffee hour in the narthex. 

Third Tuesday Lunch Group will not meet in Feb. but will restart again on March 18th. All are welcome at this monthly gathering on the 3rd Tuesday at noon to eat lunch and socialize.  Please RSVP to the office if you are coming. 

In- person Adult Formation Class on the New Testament: 1 Corinthians Wednesday Feb. 26th, 5:30 pm soup supper, 6:00 presentation.

Hope and Fire Diocese Youth Weekend Friday Feb. 28th 6:00 pm to Sunday, Mar. 2nd 12:00 pm at St. Mary’s in Eugene. To register or for info go here

Lent 2025 starts on Ash Wednesday, Mar. 5th, Passion/Palm Sunday is Apr. 13th, and Easter Sunday is Apr. 20th. 

Palm Sunday Community Egg Hunt Sunday, Apr. 13th 3:00 pm; youth meet for set up at 2:00 pm. Kids through 5th grade are invited to meet in our church narthex to hunt for candy and prize-filled eggs on our church grounds, then gather for larger prizes and a Holy Week story. Dress for the weather. Event is free and all are welcome.

Book Discussion The Way of Love by Michael Curry Monday evenings May 5th to June 2nd 6:00- 7:00 pm in the church library led by Ginger Hess.

Episcopal Diocesan Renewal Gathering Sat. May 3rd at St. Paul’s, Salem. Details and a registration link will be available soon.

The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Diocesan Convention Friday and Saturday Oct. 17th–18th, 2025 at the Salem Convention Center. Details will be published later in 2025.

Dispatches From St. Gabriel

You know the two priests who are members of St. Gabriel, The Rev. Dr. Rob…

First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to come to…

Latest Service Recordings