Special Events
Confirmation Classes for Sr. Youth 8th -12th graders continues Sundays Sept. 15th- Nov. 24th 10:00 am in the sr. youth room with the curriculum Confirm, not Conform. Sr. youth who want to be confirmed should attend this important rite-of-passage class series as often as possible, but other 8th-12th graders are welcome to drop in and attend classes during this time period also.
Community Garden Work Party: Saturday, Oct. 19th 10:00 am. Anyone is welcome to help get our garden cleaned up and ready for winter.
D & D Campaign/Crafting Corner every 1st and 3rd Sunday 12:00- 2:00 pm. Jr. and sr. youth 4th-12th grade are invited to play the role-playing game together in the jr. youth room classroom #4. Dates are October 20th, November 3rd, 17th, December 1st, 15th, January 5th, 19th, February 2nd, 16th, and so on for the remainder of the school year. Questions? Contact Tom Martin or Brad Battles.
Adult Christian Formation Sessions on the New Testament: The Gospel of John Tuesday, Oct. 8th 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm and The Acts of the Apostles Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm, both in the narthex at St. Gabriel. Please join us for this fascinating presentation and discussion.
The Crafting and Caring Community Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 10th at 1:00 pm and every other Thursday in the church library. Bring your current knitting, crocheting, sewing, or other project to work on as we meet to plan charitable handmade donations. Our next project is to create hats, scarves, gloves, and slippers for PCC Rock Creek Panther Pantry’s Student Fair in December. All are welcome to drop in and join us.
55+ Friendship Circle Game Time: Every other Thursday including October 17th and November 14th (no gathering Nov. 28th) 1:00- 3:00 pm. Free, in-person, drop-in social gathering for those 55 years and up to play board games and cards in the church narthex (foyer).
Third Tuesday Lunch Group Tuesday, Oct. 15th 12:00 pm. All are welcome at this monthly gathering to eat lunch and socialize. Please RSVP to the office if you are coming.
Third Tuesday Art Group Tuesday, Oct. 15th 1:00 pm. Meet in the church narthex- no artistic skills needed to come have fun exploring art materials at this free, drop-in monthly event with Nancy Leupold.
Investiture of Presiding Bishop-elect Sean Rowe Saturday, Nov. 2 at 8:00 am PT with a prelude starting at 6:30 am PT. The proceedings will be livestreamed. The livestream and resources to help Episcopalians host local watch parties for the virtual event are here.
Hope & Fire Youth Overnight 6:00 pm Friday, Oct. 25th to 4:00 pm Saturday, Oct. 26th at St. Paul’s Salem. All youth in grades 6–12 are invited. In addition to the usual youth overnight shenanigans (food, fun, compline, a service project), participants will take a field trip to Annual Meeting and help with the Gift Basket Raffle. Youth are welcome to bring their friends! For more information and to register, follow this link.
First Friday Dinner Friday, November 1st 6:00 pm at the church, hosted by our Pledge Committee at the church as a thank you to the congregation. All adults are welcome. Please sign up on the sheet on the main bulletin board if you can come and what you can bring to share. Also looking for a host for our December 5th First Friday Dinner- sign up on the main bulletin board. We will skip First Friday for January 2025.
“Lunch and Learn” for Social Justice Bystander Training Sunday, Nov. 10th at 11:30 am in the church sanctuary. This is a free, public event and all ages are invited, with youth encouraged to attend. Childcare will be provided. Bring a bag lunch or enjoy snacks provided.
The Annual Convention of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon Friday- Saturday Oct. 25th-26th at the Salem Convention Center. Follow this link for tickets and registration, hotel information, a tentative schedule, and more.
Celebration of New Ministry: Rev. Everett W. Charters IV as Rector of St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church: Thursday, Nov. 14th 6:30 pm at the church. Fruit, cheese, and dessert reception after.
Bishop Akiyama Visit and Reception Sun. Nov. 24th 10:00 am (no 8:00 am service) with confirmation or reaffirmation for sr. youth 8th- 12th grade and adults. Reception after service.
Dispatches From St. Gabriel
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