Special Events
Supply “Guest” Priest Schedule: Feb. 16th Rev. Karen Tiegs; 23rd Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle; Mar. 2nd Rev. Chris Decatur; 5th (Ash Wed.) Rev. Karen Tiegs; 9th Rev. Chris Decatur; 16th Rev. Karen Tiegs; 23rd, 30th Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle; Apr. 6th Rev. Chris Decatur; 13th Rev. Karen Tiegs; Holy Week to be determined; 20th Rev. Karen Tiegs.
Church Office Closure Tuesday Feb. 18th for Presidents’ Day.
55+ Friendship Circle Game Time: Every other Thursday 1:00- 3:00 pm including Feb. 20th and Mar. 2nd and 16th. Free, in-person, drop-in social gathering for those 55 years and up to play board games and cards in the church narthex.
Crafting and Caring Community Every other Thursday at 1:00 pm including Feb. 13th and 27th and Mar. 13th and 27th. Knitters, crocheters, or other creatives are welcome to this drop-in gathering in the church library to find support and create for charity. Bring your current project to work on.
Dungeons and Dragons Campaign and Crafting Corner most 1st and 3rd Sundays 12:00- 2:00 pm including Sunday, Feb. 16th and Mar. 2nd and 16th. Jr. and sr. youth 4th-12th grade are invited to play the role-playing game together in the jr. youth room classroom #4 or can choose to do art and craft projects. Questions? Contact Tom Martin or Brad Battles.
First Friday Dinners most first Fridays of the month at 6:00 pm including March 7th at 6:00 pm. We still need a host! Please sign up on the sheet on the main bulletin board if you can come and say what you can bring to share or if you would like to host a future dinner at your home or at the church. All adults are welcome.
Intergenerational OT Bible Study 2nd and 4th Sundays through June 8th 11:45 am- 12:30 pm. Join Tara and Rod along with our sr. youth for a deeper dive into Old Testament stories and get to know the youth of our church. No RSVP needed- just stay after coffee hour in the narthex.
Third Tuesday Lunch Group will not meet in Feb. but will restart again on March 18th. All are welcome at this monthly gathering on the 3rd Tuesday at noon to eat lunch and socialize. Please RSVP to the office if you are coming.
In- person Adult Formation Class on the New Testament: 1 Corinthians Wednesday Feb. 26th, 5:30 pm soup supper, 6:00 presentation.
Hope and Fire Diocese Youth Weekend Friday Feb. 28th 6:00 pm to Sunday, Mar. 2nd 12:00 pm at St. Mary’s in Eugene. To register or for info go here.
Lent 2025 starts on Ash Wednesday, Mar. 5th, Passion/Palm Sunday is Apr. 13th, and Easter Sunday is Apr. 20th.
Dispatches From St. Gabriel
You know the two priests who are members of St. Gabriel, The Rev. Dr. Rob…
First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to come to…
Latest Service Recordings

Sunday, February 9, 2025 Rite II Eucharist with Music
. February 10, 2025. Category: