You know the two priests who are members of St. Gabriel, The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle and The Rev. Karen Tiegs, so we’d like you to meet the third priest filling in for us, The Rev. Christopher Decatur.

Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Chris was ordained as a Transitional Deacon on May 26th, 2020, and as a Priest on January 6th, 2021, in The Diocese of Ohio. Chris is a graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary ’20 where he received his Master-in-Divinity degree and a Certificate in
New Mission Practices, and of The University of Pennsylvania where he earned his Masters of Education (Elementary).

Chris recently relocated to Portland to serve as The Head Chaplain at Oregon Episcopal School. Before relocating to Portland, Chris served as a 1st grade teacher in The School District of Philadelphia, as The Interim Priest-in-Charge at The Church of The Holy Comforter in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, The Interim Director and Assistant Rector at St. Paul’s Day School and Church in Westfield, New Jersey, and as Deacon/Priest-in- Charge at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Cleveland, Ohio. He also served as The Associate for Children, Youth, and Young Adult Campus Ministries at Trinity Cathedral before arriving at VTS.

Chris is active in the wider Church and has recently served as Faculty for The Preaching Excellence Program, The Taskforce for Liturgical and Prayerbook Revision, and as a Catechist and Advisor for the Episcopal Discipleship initiative: “Baptized for Life”.

Welcome Chris+!

Clergy Sunday Worship Schedule
Covering for Everett+
Late Winter- Early Spring 2025

We are blessed to have these priests be our celebrants and preachers at St. Gabriel’s while Everett+ is on leave. Everett+ may be in attendance on Sundays if he feels up to it. Keep up your prayers!

2nd Rev. Chris Decatur
9th Rev. Chris Decatur
16th Rev. Karen Tiegs
23rd Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle

2nd Rev. Chris Decatur
5th (Ash Wed.) Rev. Karen Tiegs
9th Rev. Christ Decatur
16th Rev. Karen Tiegs
23rd Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle
30th Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle

6th Rev. Chris Decatur
13th Rev. Karen Tiegs
Holy Week to be determined
20th Rev. Karen Tiegs

Text Divider

Text Divider

First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to come to our events last year. Together, we learned things, shared our thoughts and experiences, and formed a stronger community of faith. If you weren’t able to join us, I want to extend an invitation for you to attend this year. You’ll make a difference!

On Wednesdays January 22nd and February 26th, we’ll be continuing our meetings on the New Testament “as it is,” to learn about Paul and his mission, and dive into 1 Corinthians to see how he met the challenges of the early churches. At 5:30 pm, we’ll share a soup supper and begin the discussion at 6:00 pm.

Our Wednesday evening Lenten Series, led by Carol Reifsteck and me, will step back and try to answer the question “Did
Jesus really live?”
 It offers a fascinating look at how Biblical scholars study the Bible along with other available evidence. (Spoiler alert: The answer is yes, but the fun is in how we get there). Then we’ll go into depth on the theme of apocalypse in the Bible and discern the meaning of the Book of Revelation to the people of that time.

  • Last year, Kim Voyle conducted a wonderful series on “Boundless Compassion,” and is considering how to offer further learning this year.
  • Ginger Hess hopes to offer another book discussion on a spiritual topic.
  • Connie Brown, who held the first “Lunch and Learn” session on Bystander Training, will continue with other Social Justice learnings.
  • The Bible Reading group will continue meeting weekly on Tuesdays and would be happy to see some new members join.
In addition, we’ll be focusing on new topics:
  • We will feature a series on “Hospice: How to Meet the End of Life with Dignity and Love,” focusing on caregivers, family and friends, as well as those who are dying. Annie Ritter will be co-hosting, and we will use the best-selling book “Nothing to Fear” as our guide.
  • We are also beginning to work with Tara Garrett, our Youth Group leader, to explore Stories from the Old Testament after the 10:00 am service every other Sunday, with an additional goal of greater communication between adults and our young adults.
  • Finally, Carol, Abby Mulcahy and I will hold a series of sessions on “Satan and Hell: How did they evolve from the Old Testament to today?” This promises to be a particularly spirited discussion!
All of these topics have come from the suggestions of our members. If you have a subject you’d like to explore, let us know!

~Rod MacDow, Adult Formation

image from blogsglowscotland

Dear People of God in The Episcopal Church:

Among the Christmas Gospels, Luke is surely the crowd pleaser. Nearly our entire visual vocabulary of Christmas—the manger, the shepherds, the angels—comes from the second chapter of Luke. Thanks to Luke, we all know the answer to the trivia question, “Who was Quirinius?”

But if you go to church on Christmas morning, or if your congregation’s custom is to read a last Gospel on Christmas Eve, you will hear the beginning of the Gospel of John, which includes other words we all know: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” Christmas does not truly begin for me until I hear those words.

While Luke paints us a picture of a noisy and chaotic birth, in John we encounter the powerfully quiet mystery of the Incarnation. John brings us the astonishing truth that God lived among us as a person, “full of grace and truth,” ready to share the pain and sorrow of being human.

Especially this year, our hurting and divided world is desperate for the Incarnation. We live, as have many generations before us, in a time of fear, division, and instability. The Enemy has turned us against one another, sometimes in our own families and communities. The land of Jesus’ birth is torn apart by violence and tremendous suffering, and across the globe, we have hardened our hearts against the strangers among us. All too often, we hear voices that claim the mantle of Christianity calling most loudly for exclusion and conquest.

As Episcopalians, we must resist the urge to retreat from this broken world. Instead, we have been called to model our life together on a different vision of God’s kingdom. Contrary to the world’s expectations, we have bound ourselves together in a global community, following the Risen Christ together despite our differences. We know that death, suffering, and enmity are not the last word, and we proclaim it every time we gather at God’s table.

At Christmas, we can make our unity a witness to the world. Every day, in congregations and communities across our church, you are feeding the hungry, binding up the brokenhearted, caring for the vulnerable, and transforming lives through the power of the gospel. We can also proclaim God’s presence by giving to our church’s historic ministries that are working to alleviate suffering at home and abroad:

Most of all, we can commit our lives to creating a world that is more just and more loving, in which the grace and truth that came down to us at Christmas is kindled all year long. Especially this year, as we begin our ministry together, I am grateful to be working toward this vision with you.

May God bless you and all those you love this Christmas and always.


The Rt. Rev. Sean W. Rowe

Presiding Bishop
Article from Episcopal News Service

Important Message from Our Bishop: +Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

Holden Village is a retreat center for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), located off of Lake Chelan, Washington.  The village was built from the remains of a former copper mine work camp which was donated to the Lutheran Church in 1961.  Holden Village operates year-round spiritual retreats to people of all faiths to this day.

 Composer Marty Haugen wrote Holden Evening Prayer during a stay at Holden Village in 1986.  It has since become a favorite prayer service in the Lutheran Church, especially during the season of Advent.  I first became acquainted with the service during my time as a member of the ELCA and have wanted to introduce it in an Episcopal Church since joining.  The themes of Jesus the light of the world overcoming darkness are especially comforting during the darkness and depression of winter.

St Gabriel seems like the perfect community to bring this prayer service to and I invite you to join us Saturdays at 6:30 pm at the church during the month of December.

Phillip Hackney

P.S. from Everett+: I am including a YouTube link to a recording of this service. It is truly a beautiful experience. Click here: Holden Evening Prayer.

We rejoiced!

A Celebration of New Ministry:
The Rev. Everett Charters is installed as Rector of
St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church
Thursday, November 14, 2024

The congregation welcomed Everett+ as our rector with Bishop Akiyama and clergy from throughout the diocese in attendance, including those formerly and currently serving at St. Gabriel’s including Rev. LouAnn Pickering, Rev. Marlene Mutchler, Rev. Marianne Allison, Rev. Linda Potter, Rev. Karen Tiegs, and Deacon Greg Rainey. Joann Charters, Everett’s+ mother, was an honored guest.

Mother LouAnn regifted Everett+ a fantastic blingy sash that said “RECTOR” that she had been given when she was made rector at St. Gabriel’s, made by Kathy Finn-Brennan. Our sr. warden Greg Law gave Everett+ the monetary gift which church members had contributed to in honor of his becoming rector. Ministry leaders symbolically gifted him with a Bible, Book of Common Prayer, wine and wafers, and such. Everett sprinkled the congregation with Holy Water to remember our baptisms.

Anna Law, Sara Longworth, Joan McCumby, and Ann Horton put on an elegant spread of cheese, fruit, and desserts on silver trays with glasses of sparkling cider. The tables were decorated with white tablecloths, candles, flowers, and greens. It was an event full of thankfulness and joy!

We’ll never forget this special night celebrating our fortune at having Everett+ as our rector at St. Gabriel’s.

Join us for a free introduction to the Social Justice practice of the “Five Ds” of Bystander Intervention with talk and discussion.

Sunday, November 10th,
after the 10:00 am service around 11:30 am
at St. Gabriel the Archangel Church 

At this event we will have a conversation on the 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention.  From encountering someone in a mental health crisis to witnessing micro-aggressions, there are moments when we see something happening where we feel called to help, but aren’t quite sure what to say or do.

This conversation will help you develop strategies to deepen your connection to your community through learning to support in challenging moments, in ways that are community-oriented, anti-hate, and non-threatening.

I am so pleased to introduce our presenter, Rashelle Chase-Miller. I met her when I attended this event previously and it was so exciting somehow, uplifting and hopeful! Rashelle does these events as her community contribution to social justice. I asked if she could do one at St. Gabriel’s and the answer is yes!

Bio blurb: Rashelle is an activist, early childhood educator, and early literacy advocate. Born and raised in Northeast Portland, Rashelle is passionate about changing the world by transforming the systems that impact children and families with the goal of helping to create a more equitable, just, and peaceful future. Rashelle is the program director of SMART Reading and lives in North Portland with her husband and two sons.

This is a free event open to the public with a suggested age of 8th grade and older. Childcare will be provided for younger children. Bring a brown bag lunch or enjoy provided snacks. Plan for 60-90 minutes.

~Connie Brown

~image from slideserve, Bystander Training pamphlet



The Vestry of St. Gabriel the Archangel
Invite You to

A Celebration of New Ministry:
The Installation of
The Rev. Everett Charters
as our Rector

Presided over by our Bishop,
The Rt. Rev. Diana Akiyama


Thursday, November 14 at 6:30 pm
at St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church

There will be a cheese, fruit, and dessert reception following the service and all are welcomed.

If you would like to help, please contact Anna Law at or Sara Longworth at

An Evensong
for the Victims and Survivors
of the Indian Boarding Schools

“If I were a pony,
A spotted pinto pony,
A good racing pony,
I would run away from school.
I’d gallop on the mesa,
And I’d eat on the mesa,
And I’d sleep on the mesa,
And I’d never think of school.”
~Poem by Abigail Echo-Hawk 2021

Last Saturday, September 28th, St. Gabriel offered a beautifully moving service full of readings, poetry, and reflections. The services of Lament used materials developed by the Rev. Kurt J. Huber and the Rev. Ellen B. Huber of the Cheyenne River Episcopal Mission, with the sermon and the service officiated by The Rev. Everett Charters. Sacred music inspired by the service was performed by David Saffert on piano, and Jessica Israels and Margot Hanson-Israels as vocalists.

The service based on the Slaughter of the Innocents was created to lament the boarding school and to remember the victims. Although the Episcopal Church historically was only involved with a few of the schools, we still want to acknowledge the sin of genocide that occurred in many of the schools in the U.S. and Canada and play our part in the healing of the nation.

The Episcopal Church is also working to support legislation that will establish a Truth and Healing Commission on Indian boarding school policy, which would complement the Department of Interior’s new initiative for developing culturally appropriate liturgical materials and plans for education Episcopalians across the church about this history.

“As followers of Jesus, we must pursue truth and reconciliation in every corner of our lives, embracing God’s call to recognition of wrongdoing, genuine lamentation, authentic apology, true repentance, amendment of life, and the nurture of right relationships. This is the Gospel path to becoming beloved Community.”

From September 29th through November 3rd our 4th-7th graders have agreed upon 10 goals for the People’s  Ecochallenge. The international group based in Portland’s justice mission includes three main components:

  • Inspiring people that hold power and influence to change their actions for a better world.
  • Ensuring historically marginalized communities have access to resources and tools to enact change where they are.
  • Helping connect diverse groups of people to work together to create the world we all want.

Here are our jr. youth group’s weekly challenges:

Every Sunday during church school:  (1) Commit to writing down at least 1 thing they are grateful for during church school and clip to the peace tree; (2) practice gratitude for the Earth and our natural surroundings with prayer, activity, or meditation; (3) engage in a nature-based activity with observation, journaling, or art; (4) collect all the plastic the church goes through during the time period and put it on display to the congregation, then recycle as much as possible, what isn’t recyclable make into an art piece.  

Sept. 29th: (5) This day we made sure people were registered to vote; (6) and went on a plalk and picked up litter around the church and on West Union (see photos).

Oct. 13th: (7) Watch a documentary about racial injustice and discuss. 

Oct. 20th: (8) Bring an item from home to offer for free to a sharing economy-based local free trade group.

Oct. 27th:  (9) Listen to a nature podcast as we create our nature- based saint shields.

Nov. 3rd:  (10) Prepare and serve our Ingathering feast using organic ingredients. 

~Page Clothier and Tom Martin

An Evensong for the Victims and Survivors

of the Indian Boarding Schools

Saturday, September 28, 2024    6:30 pm

St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church

17435 N.W. West Union Road Portland, Oregon 97229

“The truth about the U.S. Indian boarding school policy has largely been written out of the history books. There were more than 523 government-funded, and often church-run, Indian Boarding schools across the U.S. in the 19th and 20th centuries. Indian children were forcibly abducted by government agents, sent to schools hundreds of miles away, and beaten, starved, or otherwise abused when they spoke their Native languages.” From the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.

The people of St. Gabriel Episcopal Church invite you to join us in an Evensong for the Victims and Survivors of the Indian Boarding Schools. Through words and music, sounds and silence, we will grieve the Native children, families, and communities who were victims of the boarding schools, acknowledge the ongoing intergenerational trauma and commit ourselves to the work of truth and reconciliation with the Indigenous communities in the church.

This evening donations will be accepted to support Indigi-Aid. Indigi-Aid is a partnership between the Indigenous Ministries of the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan and scores of many Episcopal communities to raise money for food, basic need items, and medical supplies to aid our Indigenous communities across the Episcopal Church.

All are welcome to attend.

~Painting by Bobby Von Martin, Choctaw Nation

Such joy and fun on Sunday, September 8th when we blessed our refurbished playground that was church member and scout Aiden McKee’s Eagle Project. Everett+ blessed the playground, Aiden cut the ribbon, and the rest of the congregation celebrated with a hot dog roast and picnic. Wonderful day at church!

>>>>>UPDATE to this Important Rite-of-Passage

Sr. Youth Group starts with a planning meeting Sunday, Sept. 8th 10:00 am—with breakfast!

Confirmation Class starts Sunday, Sept. 15th 10:00 am

>>>We are now using a trusted curriculum that most Episcopal churches use, Confirm, not Conform. The course is flexible and has been updated for 2024. Students will still prepare for the ceremony of confirmation and get familiar with the Episcopal Church’s history, modern reality, traditions, and their personal place in the Church. >>>Each session Sept. 15th- Nov. 24th will be (roughly) 40 minutes long during the service Sunday morning 10:00 am in the sr. youth room classroom #1. 

>>>Sr. Youth should attend as many Confirmation classes as they can. If they miss a class, we will be able to provide you with the written information. 

>>>We are fortunate to have Tara Garrett step up in September to be our youth minister and teach the Confirmation Class, with Rebeckah Sellers as the assistant youth leader and family minister Page Clothier also assisting. HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US!

Why was the Creation Care Ministry formed:
During the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Diocese of Western Oregon, there was a call for parishes to
become carbon-neutral by 2030. This is in keeping with a 2022 resolution by the National Episcopal Church.

What is carbon neutrality?
Carbon-neutrality refers to eliminating carbon emissions from a building and church operations so that no carbon (carbon dioxide, methane) is added to the atmosphere. Energy generated through the use of fossil fuels for space and water heat, cooking, electricity, and church programs is the main source of carbon emissions in our facilities. Alternative energy production (wind, solar, water) creates fewer if any such emissions. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 will require substantial reductions in the use of carbon-based energy.

What is St. Gabriel’s doing to address carbon neutrality:
The Diocesan Creation Care Congregational Resources document outlines steps toward reaching the
carbon-neutrality goal. They include: 1) forming a Creation Care Team, 2) conducting an energy audit of our facility, 3) calculating our carbon footprint, and 4) creating a plan and timeline.

In early 2024, St. Gabriel’s formed a Creation Care Team which has been meeting monthly to implement this mission and to create an action plan to achieve the carbon goals set by the diocese. The Creation Care Team has met with an energy assessor and also the Energy Trust of Oregon to assess our energy use and achievable solutions to make our facility more energy efficient. Data from the utility bills of the church were used to conduct a footprint analysis for energy use of the building, showing a current net carbon output at 19.5 metric tons of CO2 per year. Natural gas usage accounted for 16.2 metric tons of that total. Based on information from the energy assessment, the Creation Care Team created a plan and is working on a timeline to achieve carbon neutrality goals. These include:
Installation of solar shades to prevent excessive heating in the sanctuary;
Replacement of incandescent lights with energy efficient LED lights;
Replacement of an aging HVAC system with a geothermal or conventional heat pump system.

Who are the Creation Care Team members?
Henrietta Laustsen
Gary Laustsen
Gene Dietzman
Diane Leonard
Sara Longworth
Ian Smith

The Creation Care Team is working hard to make St. Gabriel’s a leader in caring for our Lord’s beautiful Earth. We welcome questions, ideas, and congregational expertise as we move forward. For additional information, please contact Henrietta Laustsen,

Dear Beloved Community,

[After attending Beaverton Pride Celebration with some of the congregation last Sunday, June 30th] I’vebeen thinking about the t-shirts I had made for Beaverton Pride. They say, “St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church: A safe space for queer faith.” Given where we will be wearing them, the message makes sense. We want people in the queer or LGBTQIA+2 community to know that they are welcome among us, especially since so many churches are not welcoming.

But again, I’ve been thinking – St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church is a safe space for faith – full stop.

Yet, given our times, it is probably worth being a bit more specific. So, I’ve been playing around with a few ideas.

St. Gabriel the Archangel is a safe space for ______faith.
welcoming faith
affirming faith
social justice faith
anti-racist faith
creation care faith
heterosexual faith
queer faith
youth faith
family faith
your faith
my faith
St. Gabriel the Archangel is a safe space for all our faith.

Some of these things are aspirational. Some of these things are actual. There are probably many other things that could be added, but I like the idea of 12 things for some reason. I like the idea that it lists different kinds
of faith as if they were all separate from each other but then ties them all together at the end. I’m wondering if this might not be another t-shirt design. More importantly, I wonder what you all think about this. (Truly, I want to hear your thoughts. – that is my email; please use it!)

As rector, one of my dreams is that we are always discerning God’s call to us – listening for where the Holy Spirit is calling us to move towards – which means we are always dreaming, always seeking, always praying for guidance to help us understand how we can best serve God and God’s world. I think we are called to mission by God – and that mission changes and evolves over time as we – disciples and apostles of Jesus – grow and
mature in our faith and develop our ability to hear God when God speaks to us.

I believe I have been called to St. Gabriel as your rector to help us grow into what we are being called by God to become. I have talked about this almost since I arrived here. The world, our country, the Church, and we, as a parish, are on the cusp of something. We all are being called – you can practically feel it in the air. What will it be? Who will we become? It is exciting and frightening at the same time, but the Holy Spirit is always
moving, and we, well, we are invited – no, we are called – to move along with and beside. I honestly don’t know what this will look like, but trust me, God is and always will be with us every step of the way, leading us inevitably to God’s kingdom.

More prosaically, but no less important, I’ve also got some news about a change we are making to our Rite II services in July and August regarding our music. We will only be singing the first three verses for our Opening, Gospel, Communion, and Closing hymns. I know it has been the tradition to sing the entire hymn, but I’ve been told that sometimes 6 verses can feel like just too much joyful noise (this from the man who loves it). So, during our months of experimentation, we will be shortening our hymns. At the end of August, I’ll be interested to hear, just like with the alternative lectionary, what folks thought about this change.

In the peace and love of Christ,

Dear Beloved Community-

Starting June 1, we are, with Bishop Akiyama’s consent, going to be using A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by the Rev. Wilda C. Gafney as the source of our lectionary readings for June, July, and August. As Bishop Akiyama wrote:

“The purpose of the Revised Common Lectionary is to make available for use on Sundays Scripture readings that are consistent across worshiping communities. Yet, the manner in which the narrative of females in our Scriptures has been neglected in terms of critique regarding the problematic practice of omitting or ignoring them is hardly “Good News” for women.”

The Rev. Gafney’s lectionary is an attempt to right that wrong, and I am happy that we are going to get the chance to experience her amazing scholarship and passion in developing this alternative lectionary.

Next, on June 9th, our liturgy at 8 am and at 10 am will be drawn from The Common Liturgy of the Eucharist Holy Communion for The Church of North India, The Church of South India, and The Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar. Summer has become a time when we experiment in our worship and so we are going to celebrate with this wonderful liturgy from our cousins in the Anglican Communion.

On June 15th, I will be leaving to participate in the “The Leader’s Way” program at the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University. Beginning with 6 days at Yale and continuing with 6 months of online learning, the Leader’s Way supports Episcopal clergy called to be change agents in their communities.

On Sunday June 30th at 10:00 am we will have Mass on the Grass, our now annual outdoor service on the hillside.

June 30th is also the day of the Beaverton Pride 2024 Celebration.

Also, remember that starting in July and going through August we are going to have only one service on Sunday at 9:00 am. We will be going back and forth from Rite I to Rite II. There is a calendar of services on the opening page of our website.

In the peace and love of Christ,

New to the Episcopal Church? This 53 minute Instructed Eucharist video produced by the national church would be very helpful in understanding how Episcopalians worship and the meaning of terms you hear in the service.

I am delighted to introduce to you the St. Gabriel Creation Care Team. The team consists of myself, my husband, Gary, our Junior Warden, Gene Dietzman, Ian Smith, and Diane Leonard. Our group was formed because our Diocese announced a call for all churches in the Diocese to become carbon-neutral by the year 2030. This was announced during last fall’s annual meeting. It aligns with the National Episcopal Church’s carbon-neutral-by-2030 mandate, which was adopted at the 2022 General Convention.

Carbon-neutral by 2030. What does that even mean, and how on Earth do we get there? Basically, becoming carbon-neutral means to “eliminate carbon emissions from a building and church operations so that no carbon (carbon dioxide, methane) is added to the atmosphere.” (CCWG) This is a big goal, with a short timeline.

The exciting thing about our position here at St. Gabriel is that we have an aging HVAC system – or really, just HV system, because we have no AC at all, and we need it. This puts us in the perfect position to transition away from fossil fuels if we choose to do so. Our current heating system burns natural gas, and it alone is responsible for 80% of the carbon emissions of our building.

So, what alternatives might there be? Many of you are probably already thinking the next two words I’m about to say – heat pumps. Probably many of you already use heat pumps for your home HVAC. They use a remarkable technology that is able to produce far more heating or cooling that the electricity it takes to run them, and they provide not just heating, but air conditioning, too. Now, another thing to know is that heat pumps for HVAC come in two flavors – air to air and geothermal. One uses outdoor air as the heat reservoir, and the other uses the Earth as the heat reservoir. (It’s not that you have to drill down till the Earth actually gets hot, it’s just that the temperature of the ground at 6 ft depth or more remains a relatively constant 50-60 o year-round, and you take advantage of that fact to run the heat pump.)

Geothermal heat pumps are the most efficient, lowest maintenance HVAC technology currently available. They have a high upfront cost, but are usually warrantied for much longer than it takes for them to pay for themselves in utility bill savings.

Heat pumps, whether air-to-air or geothermal still use electricity, so if that were the only change we made here at church, it would reduce our carbon footprint by a huge amount, but it would not get it to zero. To do that, we would want to consider installing a solar array. In fact, because of all this work for St. Gabriel,
Gary and I are in the midst of having a solar array installed for our home (we already have a heat pump).

Even before installing a heat pump system or solar array, we will want to tighten up our building envelope as best we can, so we are not installing systems that are larger than we actually need. Also, since HVAC decisions and install will not happen before this summer, we are working to find low-tech solutions to help us get through this coming summer in some degree of comfort.

One thing I really do need to mention is that even though things like geothermal heat pumps and solar arrays are expensive, there are grants, incentives, and rebates available to make these systems much more affordable. In fact, there is a 30% rebate that has long been available to homeowners for installing these systems, and that rebate is now available to houses of worship through the Inflation Reduction Act.

Your Creation Care team has a big job. We will be collecting proposals from contractors, investigating funding opportunities, and learning how we might achieve the goal of carbon-neutral by 2030 here at St. Gabriel. We will present our findings and offer choices for you and the Vestry to make.

If you have experience with any of the technologies I have mentioned, we would like to hear from you. If you would like more information about Creation Care as a church-wide initiative, you will find links to Creation Care on both the Diocesan website and the website of the national Episcopal Church. And of course, we your team members are available to answer any questions we can.

I would like to offer one final image that I find lovely. Creation Care as a mission has come about because we wish to care for our Lord’s beautiful creation. If we are somehow able to utilize geothermal HVAC here at St. Gabriel, getting our heating and cooling from the Earth, and solar panels getting our electricity from the sun, then not only will we be caring for creation, but creation will quite literally be caring for us.
~Henrietta Laustsen

image from wattsstreet

It hasn’t been just work, work, work on the May 12th testimony for our youth- the jr. and sr. youth went to a magical place called Wonderwood in St. John’s for mini golf and lunch (fairy popcorn!) in a space designed by graphic artist Mike Bennett. GO!

Please join us at St. Gabriel the Archangel for Holy Week Services and Events-

All are welcome and we’d love to see you!

At St. Gabriel’s we have lots of ways for you to fulfill our Lenten practice of giving.

Compiling Toiletry Care Kits
Sr. Youth Group is working with St. Gabriel Community Outreach to collect mini-hygeine items to put together into toiletry care kits for those who are homeless. We are asking for donations of hotel-type items, sample and travel sizes (Dollar Tree has a good selection), or items purchase in bulk on Amazon. Put donations in the basket on top of the indoor donation bin by the front door or place in the outdoor donation bin.
-Body or baby wipes
-Deodorant (most needed)

-Hand sanitizer
-Toothbrushes (most needed)

Our knitting/crocheting group is creating washcloths to include.

We are collecting until Easter Sunday, March 31st.

Sr. youth are also creating Prayer Stations in the narthex for the congregation to engage with each week to learn more about homelessness and support/solutions.

Collecting Empty Prescription Bottles

Sr. youth are collecting empty prescription bottles to fill with shampoo for our hygiene kits. If you have any, remove or block out the label with a Sharpie and bring them to church and deposit in the basket with the mini hygiene items.

TO REMOVE THE LABEL EASILY: Take a hair dryer and warm the label on the bottle up for a short time. The label should peel right off. If you don’t want to take the time, just block out your name and our youth will do it for you!

Collecting will be ongoing.

Selling Pre-purchased Full-sized Shampoo, Conditioner, and Soap 

SGCO is selling pre-purchased full-size shampoo, conditioner, and soap for people to purchase and donate for $1.25 a piece. Bring cash or use our Venmo account to pay. We sold out on Feb. 18th but will offer again Feb. 25th and perhaps beyond. Donations will go to Beaverton Resource Center for their Essentials Closet.

Youth Collecting Used Fabrics

One of our sr. youth is collecting donations of worn but CLEAN shirts, towels and washcloths and similar types of used fabrics to be turned into hand towels to reduce paper towel usage. These towels will be sold, and all funds will go to SCRAP or Habitat for Humanity, helping to further reduce items going into landfills. Over the next few weeks, there will be a box set out to collect these items labeled with a poster attached.

Thank you for all the generous donations so far!

As we continue to pray for Pres. Bishop Michael Curry’s recovery from his surgical procedure last Saturday, we are looking forward to the nationwide release of “A Case for Love” on Tuesday, January 23 (one day only) in theaters!

This event is a rare opportunity to showcase the loving, liberating, and life-giving nature of The Episcopal Church. It is a heartfelt, yet personally challenging movie inspired by the teachings and writings of Bishop Michael Curry, most well-known by non-Episcopalians for his passionate sermon about “The Power of Love” at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

You can purchase tickets through Fantom Events here.  At this writing, the closest theaters showing the movie is Bridgeport Stadium 18 Regal Cinema in Tigard and Cascade Stadium 16 Regal in Vancouver. We will keep you posted if a closer venue is added. The trailer is here. 

Our Epiphany Play “The Visit and the Flight,” presented on Sunday, Jan. 7th, included 30 kids and youth from ages 2 to 17. It concentrated on the Visit of the Magi and the Flight to Egypt. Sometimes it was serious, and sometimes it was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who participated!

A documentary inspired by presiding bishop’s teachings on love due for nationwide theatrical premiere Jan. 23rd- ‘A Case for Love’ grew out of Episcopal filmmaking ministry

BY DAVID PAULSEN- Episcopal News Service

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was one of hundreds of people interviewed about the Christian notion of unselfish love for “A Case for Love,” a documentary premiering Tuesday, Jan. 23. Photos: Grace-Based Films.

A nonprofit movie company led by Episcopalians is about to unveil its biggest project yet. Its feature-length documentary inspired by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s message of unselfish love is headed for a nationwide theatrical release on Jan. 23.

The film is scheduled to appear in at least 1,000 theaters for the one-day initial release, and more dates could be added if large numbers of moviegoers turn out for the premiere. The nonprofit, Gracie Films, hopes to generate interest from streaming services.

The new film is structured as seven chapters featuring 14 individual stories of people from a wide range of backgrounds, whom Ide described as “ordinary people doing ordinary-to-extraordinary things.” The stories cover a wide range of experiences, from racial justice issues and the fight for LGBTQ+ rights to the foster care system and the military.

Between each chapter, the filmmakers include clips from some of their “people on the street” interviews, as well as some well-known public figures in politics, the arts, and religion, such as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, actor Sam Waterston and the Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, canon theologian of Washington National Cathedral and interim president of Episcopal Divinity School.

Though some church leaders are interviewed, the target audience extends beyond churchgoers.

When Cur preached in May 2018 at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan, duchess of Sussex, his sermon was viewed by an estimated 2 billion people around the world and generated an immense wave of interest in the presiding bishop’s teachings about Jesus’ way of love, the biblical “agape.” Curry followed up with a two books of sermons.
Robertson added that the timing of the movie’s release at the beginning of a presidential election year, though not by design, has proved fortuitous. “If Bishop Michael’s message of unselfish love was important when he talked about it at the royal wedding, how much more so as we go into what could potentially be such an incredibly divisive year for many?”

Ide said the project talks had been gaining momentum in March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. He and the rest of the filmmakers turned their focus for the rest of the year to helping their parish, All Saints’, transition to online and hybrid worship offerings.

By early 2021, they were eager to get back to “A Case for Love” and began traveling the country for interviews and to ask hundreds of people what they thought about the power of unselfish love. We will share the theater information where the movie will be shown when it is available.

Advent Outreach Cookie Project

Sunday, December 10th 10:00 am, 11:30 am

We need lots of people to bring homemade or purchased cookies by 10:00 am to place in bakery boxes to be delivered to people who could use a little holiday cheer. We also need delivery drivers after the 10:00 am service- sign up on the poster in the narthex if you can help.

There are two more Sundays to donate to the Giving Tree in time for the PCC Student Fair

Handmade hats and scarves

There are lots of beautiful handmade hats and scarves to be blessed this Sunday. An amazing number of people created and gifted these special items that add up to a bin full of hats and scarves for PCC students. Thank you!

Hygiene items needed
As part of your Advent practice, please bring items unwrapped and place them under the tree in the narthex by Sunday, Dec. 10th

Here’s your hygiene product shopping list:
O Shampoo
O Conditioner
O Body wash
O Bar soap
O Toothbrushes
O Toothpaste
O Floss
O Razors
O Shaving cream
O Menstrual products
O Deodorant
(Full sized items are preferred)

Other shopping list items needed:
O New and gently used coats and jackets in adult sizes.
O New gloves
O New hats
O New socks
O Gift cards for grocery stores.

We are also collecting paper grocery bags for the fair. Please place them under the Giving Tree or in the indoor donation box by the front entry in the PCC section.

PCC’s Student Fair Monday, Dec. 18th needs volunteers

Join other church members and volunteer at the market! It will be held on Monday Dec. 18th from 11:00 am- 2:00 pm on the PCC Rock Creek Campus, 17705 NW Springville Rd. Portland, OR 97229, Building 5 Lobby. Parking is free. You will need to fill out a volunteer form available by the Giving Tree or at this link here.

We Gave Beaverton School District’s Clothes for Kids a $1000 Donation!

St. Gabriels Community Outreach was honored to gift $1000 to the Beaverton School District Clothes for Kids to buy items that are most needed. They have a special partnership with Fruit of the Loom and can purchase items needed at cost.

The Beaverton Clothes for Kids center is located in a portable at the school district office. Families can sign up to come and select clothing, accessories, shoes, and even books for the kids. They just recently expanded into two portables and have double the shopping space than before.

They also partner with Eco-World, the Assistance League and Northwest Children Outreach who take any clothing items that they can’t give away.

The most pressing need they have at this moment, is gloves and mittens for children and jeans for elementary age.

They’re always excepting gently used clothing and new socks and underwear for children K through 12 as well as adult sizes appropriate for high schoolers. If you have items to donate, you can put them into the outdoor or indoor collection bins by the front entrance doors of the church.

by Allison Gannett

Dear Friends in Christ,

Ever since my visitation to St. Andrew in Florence, this hymn has been going through my head: “Day by day, dear Lord, of thee three things I pray: to see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day.” We sang the popular rendition from the musical “Godspell,” complete with a guitarist, a tambourine, and soloists. The tune is upbeat in the style of popular musicals of our day, which makes it easy to get stuck in a loop in one’s head.

My first exposure to this hymn was from Godspell; only much later did I discover it in our hymnal. The tune is different, but the lyrics are the same. The hymn stands out in our hymnal because of its simplicity. Instead of a multi-verse theological poem, Day by Day is more akin to a mantra or a simple prayer. This is likely one of the reasons it is easier to remember. It’s simple, gets to the point, and has surprising depth.

Only after repeating it numerous times do we start wondering, “How do I see Jesus more clearly?” As we go through our day, what are we seeing, and how are we understanding what we see? Are we seeing with only our eyes or also with our hearts?

Praying that we will love Jesus more dearly can sound wonderfully sentimental. But after several repetitions, this phrase might draw us into wondering what would it look like for me to love Jesus more dearly? To hold something dear is to cherish and to guard it. How might we live into loving Jesus that goes beyond mere sentiment? What would it look like to hold him so dear that nothing and no one will separate him from us?

What does it mean to pray that we follow Jesus even “more nearly”? This nearness is not about distance measured in inches or feet but by imitation and fidelity. How near are we to imitating his teachings, ministry, and way of life in our lives? How faithful can we be to keeping in step with Jesus such that we will know God revealed through him?

Being drawn into meditation inspired by a hymn is a form of prayer. And sometimes, the simple hymns, the ones that keep playing in our heads, can inspire the deepest and most soulful encounters with God.

In Christ,


Join us as we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day on Sunday, Nov. 5th

Many of us probably know something about Día de los Muertos or The Days of Dead, a holiday that originated in Mexico which coincides with the 3-part Roman Catholic holiday of All Saints Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls Day (October 31 – November 2). Día de los Muertos is not Mexican Halloween, rather it is meant to honor the lives of the deceased. Celebration of Día de los Muertos includes building ofrendas (home altars) on which are placed the favorite foods and beverages of the departed. A common symbol is the calavera (skull) which appears as masks, skeleton figures called calacas, and as the calaveras sugar skulls. There is much more to the celebration of Día de los Muertos and I invite you to take some time and explore this wonderful holiday.

European American culture in the United States doesn’t really have anything comparable to Día de los Muertos. Halloween has lost any religious meaning that it might once have held. However, as Episcopalians we do have a Service for All Hallow’s Eve (October 31) in The Book of Occasional Services, and the Episcopal Church (and the greater Anglican Communion) recognizes All Saints Day (November 1) as one of the seven principal feasts of the church year, and one of the four days recommended for the administration of baptism. All Soul’s Day (November 2) was abolished at the time of the English Reformation but in the Episcopal Church’s 1979 Book of Common Prayer it reemerged as the Commemoration of All Faithful Departed, though it is commonly called All Souls Day.

Our liturgical calendar allows for us to observe an All Saints’ Sunday when the holiday falls during the week. This year on Sunday, November 5, we will be observing All Saints Day as well as acknowledging All Souls Day. We will acknowledge All Souls Day by the recitation of a necrology.  A necrology is a list of the dead. In parishes where the reading of a necrology is done yearly, it only includes the names of those who have died in the past year but since St. Gabriel has never done a necrology reading, we will be reading the names of all those whose deaths we have recorded. We are also asking members of the congregation to submit the names of friends or family members who may have died who weren’t members of St. Gabriel or whose names we may not have in our records. To have the name of a loved one included in the necrology please get their name to Ann Horton, Parish Administrator by Tuesday, October 31.

On Sunday, November 5, folks are invited to bring photos or mementos of loved ones who have died to place on the display in front of the altar. The necrology will be read aloud at both services by various members of the congregation to commemorate those who have gone before and are waiting for us at God’s heavenly banquet table. For coffee hour after each service, you are invited to bring a dish that was a favorite of the person(s) you are remembering. Please let our office know (503-645-0744 if you are planning on bringing something to share. We hope you can join us on November 5th at 8:00 or 10:00 am.

Dear Friends in Christ,

In a recent meeting, the convener began our work saying, “I have been feeling very overwhelmed and disheartened by all that is happening around us. So I want to open us with this prayer.” She proceeded to read the Prayer for the Human Family from The Book of Common Prayer. After the meeting, I reflected on her words and the prayer she chose. I appreciated her matter-of-fact confidence in knowing that in the midst of chaos, uncertainty, discomfort, and discord our core response ought to be prayer.

The next morning, I read this scripture verse for my usual devotions and it seemed as if I was reading it for the first time: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” (1 Peter 1:3)

In that moment the words “living hope” leaped off the page.

We refer to hope, hoping, and having hope a great deal in our everyday lives. “Let’s hope it doesn’t rain on game day.” “Hope you feel better soon!” “Hoping all will work out fine.” In these and so many other uses of the word, we are signaling our understanding that we are not in total control. There is an almost passive nature to hoping in this way. These secular references to hope are perhaps obvious in their acknowledgment of those things we cannot control.

But what does it mean to us as followers of Christ to be born into a living hope?

If our hope is alive, then we are meant to participate in this hope. Our participation is active; it is alive because Christ is alive in us. There is nothing passive about a living hope because this kind of hope is stirring up within us a desire to participate in life as revealed to us by God. To have a living hope is to embrace the work of this world, as mundane as it may be at times, with hearts that seek to truly see how we are called to love in this place at this time.

To have hope is to look ahead and wish for something good. However, a living hope calls us to look ahead with sure and certain confidence in the Good News of God in Christ. It is to know that God’s boundless mercy, known most assuredly in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, breathes new life into us even on our worst days. To be sure, I do not believe that having a living hope suggests that we ought to be jocular and upbeat all the time. It does ensure that whether laughing or solemn, we carry within us the quiet and undying confidence that following Jesus is how we know God. And this is, I’m fairly certain, the reason that having a living hope feels like hard work by which we float into God’s grace-filled embrace.

“…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength;
they will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired;
they will walk and not be weary.” (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)


image from pptxworship

A Message from Our Bishop: Living in Harmony with God and Creation
Dear Friends in Christ,

One of the joys in serving this diocese is driving through the beautiful landscapes: woods and forests, rivers and streams, beaches and mountains. In the summer and early fall especially, the scent of the earth, of ripening wild berries, and the sparkling water of our ocean, bays, and rivers all remind me of the grandeur of God. The harsh reality of fires, floods, and earthquakes also reminds us of the vulnerable nature of our natural world. The beauty enjoyed one day can be swept away in minutes by a natural disaster. The tragedy of the fire on Maui continues to remind us of our fragility.

The frequency of these disasters, along with the magnitude of destruction, has drawn critical speculation and careful reflection on the ways in which our management of our natural world has accelerated these events. I recently read a Pew research report on the correlation between those who identify as “religious” and those who are aware of concerns about the science related to climate change. Those who describe themselves as religious believe, in overwhelming numbers, that the earth is sacred and created by God. Yet, of those same believers, very few believe that climate change is a matter of serious concern. One of the factors the researchers point to as an explanation for this disparity is that the faithful report they do not hear about climate change in church. Apparently, religious leaders are not lifting up climate change as a real and present danger.

I can only speak from my context within the Episcopal Church as I direct our attention to the Catechism. The second question of our very long Catechism sets forth the Q. and A. that directs our attention to our created world.

Q. What does it mean to be created in the image of God?
A. It means that we are free to make choices: to love, to create, to reason, and to live in harmony with creation and with God. (Emphasis added)
BCP p. 845
Surely as the second question, we are to surmise the importance of this teaching. Positioned to emphasize the first book of The Bible, Genesis, in which God creates and breathes life into all that is, this question in our catechism is prioritizing where we ought to start: with creation. And although some interpretations of the Creation story use verbs like “subjugate” or “dominate” to describe how humans are to interact with the created world, the overarching message about creation throughout the Bible is one of fecundity, generativity, and capacity to nurture and support life. God’s love, activity, and desire for us is that we should live in harmony such that the created world lifts us up with its life-giving force.

We are called, if not commanded, to become faithful stewards of the created world – to care for the water, the soil, the vegetation, the air. Without these, we cannot live. Without these, there is no life as we know it.

I was delighted to speak to one of the members of our Creation Care Working Group this past weekend as he described to me the important work they are doing to engage both the science as well as the common sense needed to respond to our rapidly changing climate. Earlier in the month, I met with a group of high school student leaders at Oregon Episcopal School who are passionate about climate change education. They told me they are eager to meet with our Creation Care Working Group to explore ways they can work together to address climate change in our diocese.

These conversations give me great hope about the way forward as we hasten to respond to a natural world that is groaning from neglect and misuse. We are called to “live in harmony with creation and with God.” There is an undeniable assumption that living in harmony with creation assumes that we are also living in harmony with God. There is an intrinsic connection and one that, in fact, cannot be separated. This returns us to the disconnect revealed in the Pew study. If we believe that the created world is sacred and that sacredness begins and ends in God, then our response to climate change ought to be informed by our desire to live in harmony with God. Living in harmony with God is living in harmony with creation.

Let us, in our worship, praise, and mission, shine a light on climate change and the unique ways God calls us to step up to live in harmony with our Creator, from whom all things have their being.



For the first time, we are devoting a portion of the community garden to help Jyoti Rout run some experiments using corn to test some hypothesis that he has. Jyoti is trying to discover a new way for fast breeding corn, methods he thinks should be applicable to breeding other crop plants. His experiments involve growing many different corn lines, making different test crosses and observing the progeny.

By 2050, the world population is expected to grow to 9.8 billion from the current population of 7.6 billion. According to estimation reported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), by 2050 our world would need to increase food production by about 60% more. Therefore, developing faster breeding methods are necessary.

Current breeding methods involve crossing two or more parents and transferring the desired traits by repeated back-crossing with the chosen parent. This process is time and labor intensive and may take anywhere from 3-7 yrs. Jyoti hopes that his methods should speed up the processes of varietal development and save cost and resources.

This is not genetic modification. Jyoti will be happy to explain the difference and to and teach you about different corn lines that he is currently growing and even teach you how to make crosses in corn and other plants.

To reach Jyoti, please contact our church office 503-645-0744 and we can connect you. He invites you to visit the corn field and bless his experiments.

In our community garden, being situated so close to a place of worship, it gives Jyoti an immense happiness while he works with these plants for a noble cause. Jyoti appreciates all the support he has been receiving from the church and its leadership and his fellow gardeners. 🙏

We invite you to make a peaceful visit to our small corn field at the west side of our Community Garden and bless Jyoti Rout’s experiments.

~Tom Horgan

St. Gabriel is happy to announce that we have a new musician joining our music ministry in September as the pianist and organist for our 10:00 am Rite II Eucharist on Sunday mornings, Stephanie Thompson.

Stephanie takes delight in exploring textures and tone colors in solo and collaborative repertoire. A passionate advocate of art song, she is committed to text analysis and expressing poetic nuance in music.

She is staff accompanist and teaches classical piano and piano accompaniment at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon, where she performs with all three choral ensembles. When not playing piano, Stephanie can usually be found entangled in yarn or trapped under cats.

She is an alumna of the Aspen Music festival and is a founding member of the Lewis & Clark Faculty New Music Ensemble, The Friends of Rain. She studied piano at Willamette University and USC and her teachers include Jean-David Coen, Antoinette Perry, and Daniel Pollack.

Welcome Stephanie!

Due to the extreme heat, our roof project has been delayed one week- please note new approximate dates.

What’s the status of our new church roof?

First of all, the repair of the water-damaged siding on one side of the church is complete, and it looks great (see photo)! Thanks to all who helped with this part of the project.

Now- we have a roofing update since the announcement last Sunday. On Tuesday August 8 we had the pre-job meeting with the roofing contractors. We are now scheduled to start on the three tab roofing on the steeple portion on Wednesday, August .

On Monday, August 14 the three tab shingles will be delivered and placed on the roof. No cars can be parked that day in the handicapped parking or on the other edge of the circle driveway because we do not know what time the shingles will arrive. The delivery truck will need to use the whole circle to deliver the shingles moving from one place to the other.

On Monday or Tuesday August 14 or 15 the porta-potty will be delivered. It will be placed near the bicycle rack. Therefore, they will need all of the handicap spaces empty to unload the porta-potty.

On Tuesday August 22 the 40-yard dumpster bin will be placed in the circle. They will need the entire circle to place it. If you are there on Tuesday, please do not park in the circle parking lot. As soon as they have unloaded the dumpster, the circle parking lot will be again available.

On Wednesday morning August 23 at 7:00 am they will start working on the pitched roof. They anticipate being done by Friday night August 25.

The crew will work from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm each day until completed. If we get an Oregon rainstorm, they will delay the roofing for one day at a time until they get it done. The entire time they are working on the pitched roof there can be no parking in the circle area, including the handicapped spaces.

On Sunday, August 27 the circle area will be available for parking including the handicap spaces. However, the dumpster will still be there and we will have to avoid it.

On Monday, August 28 the replacement of the flat roof will begin. The crews will work 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday August 28-31 until it is completed. We anticipate the flat portion of the roof taking two weeks. The circle parking area will be available on Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 25-27 except the dumpster, will still be there.

If you have any questions, please email jr. warden Gene Dietzman at

Thanks so much for your patience during this time of upgrading the building!

~Gene Dietzman, Jr. Warden

Roofing/Parking Lot Use Schedule:

NOTE: Dates could change if there is a rain delay or other circumstances

Aug 14- Tuesday, Aug. 15: Please don’t park in handicap parking spaces in circle parking lot
Tuesday, Aug. 15: Don’t park anywhere in the circle parking lot until the dumpster is delivered. Once it is placed you can park there again Tuesday only.
Wednesday, Aug. 16- Saturday, Aug. 19th: Don’t park in the upper circle parking lot including handicap spaces at all. Upper circle lot can be used on Sunday, Aug. 20th.
Monday, Aug. 21- Thursday Aug. 24: Upper circle parking lot closed.
Friday Aug. 25- Sunday Aug. 27: Upper circle parking lot open.

Episcopal churches celebrate Pride Month with special worship services, parade participation, fundraising events

By Shireen Korkzan/Episcopal News Service

Episcopal churches across the United States will be celebrating the 52nd annual Pride Month in June with events ranging from special worship services and festivals to hosting LGBTQ+ proms and advocacy discussions.

This June’s Pride Month events will take place as anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment continues to rise in the United States. Currently, bills targeting LGBTQ+ rights introduced by state legislatures have more than doubled since 2022.

Additionally, hate crimes targeting marginalized groups, including LGBTQ+ people, are predicted to rise in 2024 consistent with an ongoing trend in reported hate crimes during U.S. election seasons, according to a report by The Leadership Conference Education Fund. The current political climate is “rife with opportunities for the trend of increased hate to continue,” the report says. The Leadership Conference Education Fund is the education and research arm of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the oldest and largest civil and human rights coalition in the United States.

A number of Episcopal churches are hosting Pride Month events. Check online for additional events hosted by local dioceses and parishes. To see a list of churches and read the rest of this story, click here. 



Dear Friends in Christ,

I have a confession. In the early days of the pandemic shut-down, someone sent to me (hoping to embolden and reassure) the words of Julian of Norwich: “All shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.” My immediate thought was, “Oh please. You obviously don’t know what we’re going through.” As the months dragged on, this quote echoed in the back of my mind. Eventually, it began to make sense. Not because medical science predicted a promising future and not because I had a psychological breakthrough. The quote made sense because I came to my faith senses. I remembered who was in control. It wasn’t me, and it wasn’t any of the people working so hard to control the virus. The only one I knew who was in full control was God. And the kind of control God has is, ultimately, a mystery. I find this to be deeply reassuring and grounding.

We have now been informed that the pandemic is officially over. People are still becoming infected by the covid virus, and we are all experiencing residual effects – and probably will for years to come. Yet, the news that the entire world is no longer on alert over the virus is an enormous shift in our reality.

I am wondering now about the spiritual residual effects of the pandemic. What do we know about ourselves as followers of Jesus that we did not know before the pandemic? What do we know now about our relationship with God that deepens or expands our understanding? How has our response to the pandemic affected our faith practices?

The author Cole Arthur Riley invites us to experience our lived reality as an ongoing revelation of God’s mysterious presence. “Awe is not a lens through which to see the world but our sole path to seeing. Any other lens is not a lens but a veil. And I’ve come to believe that our beholding—seeing the veils of this world peeled back again and again, if only for a moment—is no small form of salvation.”

A number of times during the pandemic, I observed that we would not fully comprehend what we were going through until we had distance from the experience. I predicted that researchers and scholars would be mining this period in history for years. For Christians, one of the central reflections ought to be on the ways that God was made manifest – deeply known and felt – in the midst of great suffering. The manifestation of God, as we know from the Scriptures, is often an experience of inexplicable awe. The extent to which we see our world through this lens will shape and inform our relationship with God.

If there is one thing we humans fight and resist, it’s being out of control. And if there’s one thing God reveals to us again and again, it’s that we are not in full control. In fact, God did not create us to be in full control. It is not part of the human call to be in ultimate control.

Seeing the world and all its uncontrollable events with a sense of awe changes everything. This is not to suggest that we see through rose-colored glass – as if putting a cheerful face on things will actually transform a devastating truth. Rather, we are called to engage our world with awe. I do believe that we were created for awe. We are created to live into our call to not be the center of the universe, but as stewards and collaborators – as God’s chosen to serve others while standing in awe and wonder as God’s love is revealed in the most unpredictable ways. Our faith forms us and calls us to embrace our limitations and, therefore, to be unfettered – free to walk with one another in all states of grace toward a life that heals, comforts, and connects us to the source of all being.

The pandemic is over, and for that, we are grateful. Even more true is what we know, by faith, on this side of the pandemic. God has never failed us, never left us, and in fact, has been with us even in the hardest and most isolated times. The truest way to know this is in each moment, however fleeting, that we were able to focus differently, allowing a sense of awe to anchor our hearts to God.

~Article from Diocese of Oregon, image from Forbes

Join Us for an Adult Formation Class on Understanding the Parables

Come Monday, May 8, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, in the church library or online via Zoom to learn what to look for and discuss Jesus’ parables. What is a parable anyway, and how is it different from a fable or moral tale? What is unique about Jesus’ parables? How might his listeners have received them? How can we take meaning from them in our world today?

Parables were important to Jesus – the Gospels relate at least 30 of them. But if you sometimes read or listen to one of Jesus’ parables and are left scratching your head, wondering what it means, you’re definitely not alone! Even his disciples sometimes asked for help. How can we gain a better understanding of these very special stories?

Carol Reifsteck will be facilitating our group, looking at several parables in depth. Put May 8 on your calendar and join us for a lively discussion. Newer members are most welcome – this is a great way to get involved and meet more people.

To get the Zoom link, please contact the church office or 503-645-0744. For those of you on Zoom, we have new equipment that will improve the sound and visual quality.

Hope to see you there!

Rod MacDow
Adult Formation Ministry

Our Jr. Youth Group of 4th-7th grade church school at St. Gabriel’s is going to busy the rest of the school year with their twice-yearly Ecochallenge challenge. Last Sunday April 16th the group cleaned the playground as their first project, raking leaves, pulling weeds, picking up toys, removing trash, and doing small repairs. It was raining, but the group voted to go ahead with the planned project, saying, “Hey- we’re Oregon kids- a little rain won’t hurt us.” The playground looks great now! The Ecochallenge ends in April officially but will go on for us through June 4th. Below are the goals they chose:

8 Jr. Youth Group Ecochallenge Goals 2023 April 16- June 4th

Climate and Ecosystems:
(1) We will express our love and gratitude for our planet by writing a love letter, poem, song or taking a picture. We will share in the Ecochallenge feed/St. Gabriel’s social media.

(2) (3) We will watch 1 documentary about climate change and then go on a Ecochallenge field trip TBD.

Economy and Communities
MEND (UPCYCLE) CLOTHING: May 7th Create something new from old socks
(4) We will mend clothing for myself, family or friends.

Health and Equity
DONATE FOOD: April 23rd Make soup kits for food bank
(5) We will find out what food programs are in our area and donate food and/or other items that they request.

Education and Livelihood
(6) We will make a few homemade cleaning products.iCloud Photos (2)

HOST OR JOIN A CLEANUP EVENT: April 16th Playground clean up
(7) Within my community at home or work, we will organize or attend a local cleanup event.

Basic Needs and Security
(8) Prepare and serve a vegetarian meal for after service coffee hour in honor of Mother’s Day for the congregation.

The priest-in-charge’s awesome Easter shoes!

Welcome to St. Gabriel’s as we celebrate Easter!

Kids decorate the flowering cross

Everett+ in his bonnet

Easter bonnet contest- very hard to choose!

Rainbow Alleluia banner- when the basket was lowered, it held our Lent Madness Golden Halo winner Jonathan Daniels and rainbow wands for kids to wave whenever they heard “Alleluia!”

People could bring a crystal prism home with them to hang in a window and create rainbows all over their room

Palm Sunday worship and then a fun community event for kids was a good start to Holy Week at St. Gabriel’s!

Palm Sunday Community Egg Hunt!

Sunday, April 2nd at 3:00 pm sharp!

(youth helpers please show up at 2:00 pm)

Hundreds of hidden prize eggs, with special prizes awarded for those who find gold eggs.
The egg hunting will go on rain or shine.
Please dress and wear footwear appropriate for the weather.
Bring a basket if you have one or borrow one of ours.
Everyone is welcome, so invite friends and family.
Children through 5th grade are invited to hunt.

Everett+ will tell us a Palm Sunday story.

There is no charge to join in the fun. Come join us for the earliest egg hunt in the neighborhood!

St. Gabriel the Archangel’s senior youth group of 8th-12th graders gave a testimonial presentation on Sunday, February 26th on “The Pronoun Project.” Our youth started this work in October of 2022 as part of the People’s Ecochallenge, a nationwide digital platform based in Portland that has groups take on challenges to encourage new habits to build a more sustainable and equitable world. Our sr. youth chose to concentrate on how asking and using someone’s correct pronouns are two of the most basic ways to show people love and respect. But it goes so much deeper than that. They are also providing pronoun stickers and new hand-beaded lanyards for members’ nametags.

Here is what the group wrote together and presented along with youth leaders Abby Mulcahy and Gabbi Boyle, called “Neighbors”:

As Episcopals, we agree to a lot of things in our Baptismal Covenant. We say that we believe in God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and will follow the teachings of the apostles and prophets. We say that we will resist evil and proclaim the good news of the Gospel. But that’s not all. Towards the end of the Baptismal Covenant, we make two big promises.
First, we promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. What does that mean? Who counts as our neighbor?
A neighbor isn’t just someone close to us. People all over the world, wherever they may be, are our neighbors. And a neighbor isn’t just someone who looks or talks like us. People of different races and people who speak different languages are our neighbors. And a neighbor isn’t just someone who agrees with us. People with different religious, political, or social beliefs are our neighbors.
As a senior youth group, we know that church is a place for us to show up and be loved as our whole selves. We know that there are not special qualifications for being someone’s neighbor. We are all united in God’s love.

The second big promise we make is to strive for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being. What does this mean?
To respect the dignity of every human being, we can start, funny enough, by loving our neighbor. We do not have to agree on everything. We do have to agree that every human being is important. This means that every person should have their needs met and determine their own path in life–and we should be part of making that possible. Every human being deserves the respect that too many of us take for granted.
Now, how do we strive for justice and peace among all people? There are a lot of people out there! This feels impossible. As a senior youth group, we have talked about how we are not called to solve every problem, but that we should be active in our faith. When we recognize that something is wrong or unjust, we have to do something about it. We are called to stand for Christ’s work in all that we do and, importantly, our job is NOT to determine who qualifies for justice and peace.
Some of you out there may be thinking to yourself, ‘what does this have to do with pronouns?’ We’ve been talking about the pronoun project for months now and, for the last few weeks, there have been inserts related to pronouns in the service booklet.
Pronouns are used in everyday speech and writing to take the place of people’s names.

How many times has someone used your name today? How does it feel when you’re called the wrong name? Pronouns are just like names.

We use pronouns a lot without even thinking about it. Asking and using someone’s correct pronouns are two of the most basic ways to show respect.

When people get it right or show that they are trying, it means a lot. If you make a mistake – just apologize and move on – we are all human! With God’s help we can expand our language to grow our community and deepen our faith

Ok but what does this have to do with the Baptismal Covenant? Pronouns are never explicitly mentioned, why should we care?
First, using correct pronouns are part of how we love our neighbor.
Second, using and talking about pronouns in community is how we respect the dignity of every human being.
Third, continuing to learn about and understanding how to use someone’s pronouns correctly is part of how we strive for justice and peace.
It can feel scary to try new things. As a senior youth group, we talked about how hard it can be to be in a situation to correct older adults and authority figures, how this can feel disrespectful. Even bringing up these topics can be hard and intimidating. But our Baptismal Covenant reminds us of our unity in God’s love. The words we use, the way we invite change or invite new neighbors are all part of our promise.

Eco-Social Justice Projects like the Pronoun Project belong in the Episcopal Church because they help highlight opportunities for us to find new ways to live out our Baptismal Covenant. We here at St Gabriel’s are a small community. As a senior youth group, we discuss how our relationships with God are deeply personal but that, in community, we also need to focus on the whole person.
The way I like to think about this is the way I talk to my friends. It’s ok for me to make mistakes because my friends know that I have good intentions and am trying to get it right. It’s not a big thing for them to correct me and move on so I can do better next time. It shows that we all care about each other and our relationship. Our friends are our neighbors, and our neighbors are our friends.
The senior youth group bulletin board has been updated to contain more information about pronouns. When you stop by, please take a sticker to add your pronouns to your nametag. We look forward to getting to know you all a little better.”

On Sundays February 26th- March 26th at 6:30 pm, please join us as St. Gabriel offers Lenten Evensong.

Each week will feature different prayer traditions and live piano instrumental music inspired by the text.

Week 1, February 26th: The text will be from the 1979 BCP and the music will be meditative hymns for Lent from the 1982 Hymnal.

Week 2, March 5th: The text will be from A New Zealand Prayer Book with instrumental music ranging from French composer Léo Delibes to American composer Stephen Sondheim.

Week 3, March 12th: The text will be from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with music by the Ukrainian composer Viktor Kosenko.

Week 4, March 19th: The text for Week 4, Laetare Sunday, will draw from a service for the Mother of Sorrows featuring music ranging from ancient hymns to compositions by Ralph Vaughn Williams and Boris Gounod.

Week 5, March 26th: The text will come from the Book of Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals with music from Hillsong Worship.

Meet Our Pianists:

Dan Gaynor (All Sundays except March 26th)
A native of Portland, pianist Dan Gaynor studied at Mt. Hood Community College and Portland State University with teachers including Randy Porter, Dave Barduhn, Darrell Grant and Glen Moore. He played with many musicians including Nancy King, Esperanza Spalding, Chuck Israels, Glen Moore, Bob Mover, Bobby Torres, Dan Faehnle, Marguerite Jeunemann, David Friesen, Kelly Joe Phelps, Alan Jones, Lawrence Williams, Rob Scheps, Robert Moore, John Stowell, Ingrid Jensen, Emily Braden, Ron Steen, Mel Brown, “Sweet Baby” James Benton, Chris Conrade, Dick Berk and many others. Dan is also a versatile vocal accompanist, with a wide knowledge of repertoire and musical styles. He appears on Oasis by David Valdez & Pere Soto, Good Morning Geek by the Portland Jazz Orchestra, and En Route by Ed Bennett. To read an article about Dan, please click here.

Clay Giberson (Sunday, March 26th)
Well-traveled geographically and musically, keyboardist and composer Clay Giberson’s artistic talent and musicianship are coming to the forefront, A Southwest Washington native, he studied in Coral Gables, Florida, University of Miami (B.M. Cum Laude, Studio Music and Jazz) and New York City, New York University (M.M. Magna Cum Laude, Music Technology) where he studied with Jim McNeely, Fred Hersch and Vince Maggio. Clay has released three recordings on the Seattle based Origin Arts record label. He has performed throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the Mediterranean, the South Pacific and Caribbean and Japan. Having been influenced by all types of music, Clay draws from these idioms in his own compositions and in the interpretation of others. He is currently on the faculty at Clackamas Community College where he teaches electronic music and piano.


Ash Wednesday Worship Services at St. Gabriel the Archangel- The Beginning of Lent


9:30 am Ash Wednesday Rite I Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
A quiet service without music.
Join us in-person or online via Zoom (call office for link 503-645-0744 or use password on our website’s opening page).

12:00- 5:00 pm Ashes-to-Go
Drive up to the upper parking lot round-about to receive ashes.
You can call the office for an appointment during office hours, call us when you arrive, or just honk! 503-645-0744.

7:30 pm Ash Wednesday Rite II Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes
A quiet service without music.
Join us in-person or online via Zoom (call office for link 503-645-0744 or use password on our website’s opening page).

St. Gabriel’s jr. youth group of 4th-7th graders and their teachers baked, popped, frosted, dipped, rolled, and decorated their hearts out to raise money for something they chose that is dear to their hearts- supporting the planting of native plants. Thanks to the parish’s generous support, they raised $300 on Sunday, January 22nd! The money will go to either buying individual native plants, buying 1-2 larger shrubs or trees, or be donated to an organization that supports native plants- we will let you know what is decided. Visting fill-in priest Canon Linda Potter also joined in the fun. Thanks to everyone, especially Page Clothier, Tom, James and Nicholas Martin, Ann Horton, Polly Bass, the Parker family, everyone who baked and brought items to sell, and all who purchased goodies or even donated money without taking treats!

One of the great joys, and one of the most fulfilling, as members of the Gabriel Center, St. Gabriel the Archangel’s outreach ministry, is sending grants to agencies whose work serves the underserved in our community. This last Christmas season, our committee awarded $1000 grants each to William Temple House, The NAYA Family Center, and the Helping Hands Re-Entry Program. Additionally, PCC Rock Creek Panther Pantry, Westview Cat Cave and Beaverton Clothes for Kids received $500 each.

Some of these bequests were unexpected by the recipients, and others still gratefully received by organizations with which we have continuing relationships. We want to share a few ways the “thanks” has been expressed to the people of St. Gabriel, and some of the impact these donations make.

From Westview High School: “Thank you so very much for your generosity and support of Westview High School’s Free Student Clothing and Household Items Closet, AKA the “Cat Cave”. Your recent donations have made a tangible and lasting positive impact on our homeless and at-risk students…. As of December 6, we had served 130+ Westview students, over more than 400 visits, providing school supplies, clothing and shoes, personal care items, and household supplies, as well as a safe and welcoming space for our students. Without the support of community member such as you, this would not be possible.”

From the Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA): “We are grateful for you, for our community of donors and partners, who have continued to support our mission as we navigate the pandemic and its impacts on the health of our community, providing life-affirming and life-changing services…. Our mission is to enhance the diverse strengths of our youth and families in partnership with the community through cultural identity and education. We could not do this without you! Thank you again for standing with NAYA and Portland’s Native American community.”

From William Temple House:
“Thank you for supporting a stronger, healthier community for our area neighbors!
Your gift of $1000.00 to the Nourish Our Neighbors campaign makes it possible for us to continue providing affordable mental health counseling, healthy food, and more to our community to those most affected by mental health challenges, hunger, and houselessness. Your generosity supports these vital services so everyone in our community is full nourished – emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Together, we are building a stronger community through counseling, food, and connection. Thank you for joining us to Nourish Our Neighbors.”

From Portland Community College Foundation:
“Thank you for your recent gift in support of student success at Portland Community College. Your contribution will have a lasting impact on our students and our community.
Your investment…allows our students to pursue their goals and continue on a path towards fulfilling careers. And, because of your support, many of our low-income and first-generation college students believe they can finally realize their dreams of high-quality education. Thank you for making this possible!”
And a resounding THANK YOU!! to the community of St. Gabriel from The Gabriel Center. Your support through your pledges, donations, and gifts make this joyous work possible. Please continue on this path with us, doing the work God has given us to do!

~Kathy Prenger, The Gabriel Center

image from NWPriorityCU

“Helping Us Live Out Our Faith in This World”

There are wonderful things in the works at St. Gabriel the Archangel in the education arena. A new ministry of Adult Formation will be presented in the new year with the formal name “Christian Formation/Education.” Its intent is to develop our Christian faith and offer ways of actively living out our faith in this world. We would like to focus on four ways of moving toward this goal:

First, we have our Episcopal liturgy and Eucharistic practice – there’s a lot to learn that can deepen our worship experience.

Second, Christianity and our Hebrew heritage have a rich and varied history over three thousand years. By exploring the roots of our faith, we can find new ways of understanding our world today.

Beyond that, each of us is also an individual, looking for spiritual growth in our own way. We can explore new (and old) ways, within the Christian tradition, to enrich our inner world and relationship with God.

Finally, we can explore ways of acting, through the radical love of Jesus, to try and make our community, and the world around us, into a better place. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and our Bishop Akiyama are deeply committed to this goal, and we can become a part of that effort. These are not independent activities – they are tightly connected.

We are proposing four areas of focus beginning in 2023:

  • Episcopal Liturgy and Eucharistic practice
  • Christianity and our Hebrew heritage
  • Spiritual growth
  • Learning about acting in our community through the radical love of Jesus.

Episcopal Liturgy and Eucharistic Practice:
Cradle Episcopalians may be familiar with how our services are constructed and the sources of the Book of Common Prayer, but many of our members (including myself) have arrived from other religious traditions. And it’s just possible that long-time members might enjoy refreshing their knowledge.

St. Gabriel already has a number of ways to learn: At a recent service, Fr. Everett gave us a guided explanation of the Liturgy and Eucharist, along with a guide booklet to capture what he said. We will repeat that periodically and offer the booklet to new members.

Each year, our Liturgy focuses on one of the four Gospels – Matthew is the one for 2023. In mid-January, the Bible Reading group will offer a time where, over several weeks, we can all listen while volunteers each read one chapter at a time. Yes, we hear selections each Sunday, but it’s amazing how much more comes out with a full reading. It will deepen your appreciation of Matthew for the whole year.

When we have the right timing, we will offer a special training course, called a Catechumenate, which gives all the knowledge required for confirmation. One can take the course even if one has already been confirmed, and it’s especially useful for those who were confirmed in another tradition. It’s a fascinating journey through our religion and offers a lot to think about.

Finally, we will offer a series that takes us through the Book of Common Prayer – its history, structure, topics, the Rites and much more. There’s a lot to cover, so we will break it up into smaller bites and hold them from time to time.

Christianity and Our Hebrew Heritage
The Bible is a wonderful book, but it is not always easy to understand. Some passages conflict with others. Parables may leave one wondering what to think. Other parts can be genuinely disturbing. Yet, it is altogether a vast and inspiring canvas – a lifetime of study is not enough to take it all in.

In service, our Episcopal Liturgy selects key passages, and our priest helps us to gain a deeper understanding of what it can mean for us in these times, in our daily lives. But, useful as it is, a fifteen-minute sermon may not be enough time to really illuminate the text, and most of the Bible is never brought to light. We may hunger for more. The purpose of the Christian Formation Ministry is to take more time to explore the Bible, linking up to our priest’s goals and the Liturgy.

The Bible Reading Group has been meeting weekly for several years with the simple goal of hearing different books. After all, they were written to be read aloud. Many of the books that are not part of the Liturgy, as well as the Gospels and the Epistles, are read all the way through. If you’re interested, we’re going to have the group sponsor a reading of Matthew in the New Year.

A similar group meets weekly to read a Psalm three times, to gain a deeper experience of these beautiful songs.

In 2023, we will begin a monthly Bible Discussion Group, focusing on more specific topics to gain perspective on some of the interesting aspects of the Bible. For example, Jesus told many parables, some of which are, frankly, quite obscure. Why? What was the effect on those who heard Him? What can we take from them today?

Learning About Acting in Our Community Through the Radical Love of Jesus

What does that mean? Actually, it has many shades of meaning. At its core, it is not enough to learn about being Christian without using what we have learned. We are called, by God, to practice radical love on the ground, with real-life people and in real-life scenarios, to look out for each other and to look after each other, in practical terms. Jesus didn’t just preach and teach us to pray. With love and compassion, He healed, He fed, He changed the day-to-day lives of people he had never met before. More than that, He demanded that, to follow Him, we must likewise show our love in truth and action.

How do we go about doing this? First, we must learn how to look at others as God looks at them, without preconceptions or judgment. Only then can we begin to understand their deepest needs. To do this, we must learn how to create a safe place in our collective hearts and minds, a nonjudgmental space where people with differing beliefs can explore aspects of our spiritual and physical world. There, we can find truth.

Our society sometimes teaches us that uncomfortable facts should be feared and avoided. A “safe place” is a way to get past that, to encounter the world, with all its troubles, with unconditional love. That opens the door to action through forgiveness, compassion and mercy. Loving action, as Jesus demands, is the true path to justice.

Over time, we will choose from a variety of topics. Some may interest you, others may not. But each will allow us to understand, from a safe place of open discussion, the lived experience of people who are not as fortunate as we are, or who are simply different. The goal is to open a door for compassionate action.

So this is how our Christian Formation Ministry fits together. Through Liturgy, Bible and spiritual study, we can find ways to change ourselves, and thereby change St. Gabriel and our community. Radical Love takes us along the same path, in the other direction – we strive to change the world, which changes St. Gabriel, and by our actions we ourselves are changed. It is all one path, the Christian path.

Here’s a picture of what we’ve been discussing as the path of St. Gabriel’s Christian Formation Ministry:

I want to thank several people who have generously contributed to this: Terry Brennan, Ava Martin, Abby Mulcahy and Evelyn Shoop. As we go forward, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions too. This ministry is for you – add to the conversation! You can reach me, Rod MacDow, at


Jesus image from bonifacius


Yes, we had terrible technical difficulties on Sunday, December 18th, but we still did our best to still capture a video version of our children’s Advent play with music “God’s Gift to Us: Immanuel,” and it was wonderful! Thanks to everyone who assisted in presenting this production as a gift to St. Gabriel the Archangel’s congregation.

The play about the prophecies and events leading up to the birth of Christ was adapted by Page Clothier from The Lectionary Story Bible by Ralph Milton. The music was arranged by Jessica Israels.

It can be viewed at link here, with the play starting at the 26 minute point.

At 8:00 am our senior youth ministers Abby Mulcahy and Gabbi Boyle presented a live reading of the play, and that is available at a link here starting at the 12 minute point.

Finally, to view our favorite children’s version of the nativity story “The Story of Christmas” as told by the children of St Paul’s Church, Auckland, New Zealand, click on the YouTube link here.


Everyone is invited to join us for the first ever performance of our original Advent play “God’s Gift to Us: Immanuel.” The play is about the prophesies of Isaiah that the Messiah is coming in the form of a child, and then the events leading up to (but not including) the birth of Christ. The story leaves us still waiting anxiously for the baby to be born.

The play was written by Page Clothier based on the book The Lectionary Story Bible by Ralph Milton. Page is directing the play with much help from Whitney Joshi, Abby Mulcahy, Gabbi Boyle, Ava Martin, and Aiden McKee. Page created the costumes and props. The music was arranged by music director Jessica Israel and will be performed by Jessica, David Saffert, and members of the choir.

At the 8:00 am service our senior youth leaders Abby Mulcahy and Gabbi Boyle will do a live reading of the play without music, and at the 10:00 am service 20 children and teens will perform the play with music.

This play is a very special presentation and offered as a gift to St. Gabriel’s, and we hope you can join us in-person or over Zoom!
~image frompastorjohnsamecorner
NOTES to performers and parents:
Children participating in the play performance at 10:00 am should come to their regular classrooms at 10:00 am: preschool- 3rd grade classroom #2 and 4th-7th grade classroom #4 (youth room), to get their costumes on and prepare.
Senior youth/teen participants can sit on the purple pew with Abby and Gabbi until performance time (in place of the sermon).
If your child is sick or otherwise unable to attend and play their part, PLEASE contact Page by texting her at 503-720-1254 and letting her know so we can arrange a substitute.
After the performance, children will come back into the sanctuary to sit with their families with a pew project.
Prayers that you stay well, and see you Sunday!

image from abstrancy

Rev. Karen Tiegs’ “Advent for Every Body” Podcast Segment

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland has offered an invitation this Advent to join them as we consider all the ways in which human bodies have and continue to bear God in our world with Advent for Every Body, a daily Advent Calendar podcast. How is our understanding of God deepened and nourished in one another – in bodies that have been held up for generations as inappropriate, shameful, or incomplete?

St. Gabriel the Archangel parishioner Rev. Karen Tiegs spoke about her very personal take on the theme for the podcast for December 5th. Listen to her tender and thought-provoking segment by clicking the link below. “Anyone with cancer knows the challenge of loving our bodies when it seems like our bodies have turned against us.” Please continue to keep Karen+ and her family in your prayers.

Other daily Advent podcasts from Trinity can be accessed here.
~images from Trinity

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