Our Church Building Must Close Again, But St. Gabriel Is Still Open
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Greetings friends of St. Gabriel Church,
As of Thursday, August 19, all worship services at St. Gabriel will return to Zoom only. Until that time, we will not have in-sanctuary worship. We will reassess this decision on October 31.
The current reality is that the Delta variant presents a growing danger to our community and that anyone who becomes seriously ill may face a health system that is unable to care for them. From the beginning of this pandemic, St. Gabriel has placed safety first.
Since March of last year, our spiritual community has weathered this storm with determination, love and the grace of the Holy Spirit. Let us continue to do so, by caring for each other and worshiping safely until this COVID wave is behind us. Then we can all celebrate together in-person once again.
If you need a Zoom link to attend one of our worship services, go to the password-protected link at the bottom right and enter the password, or if you don’t know the password, please contact our church office during office hours at 503-645-0744 or stgabe@stgabrielpdx.org, or you can try messenger@stgabrielpdx.org.
~Canon Linda Potter, Interim Rector ~Rod MacDow, Sr. Warden
Be with us, Holy Spirit;
nothing can separate us from your love.
Be with us as of old,
fill us with your power,
direct all our thoughts to your goodness.
Be present, Holy Spirit;
bring faith and healing and peace.
~New Zealand Prayer Book