An Evensong for the Victims and Survivors of the Indian Boarding Schools Saturday, September 28, 2024    6:30 pm St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church 17435 N.W. West Union Road Portland,…

Such joy and fun on Sunday, September 8th when we blessed our refurbished playground that was church member and scout Aiden McKee’s Eagle Project. Everett+ blessed the playground, Aiden cut…

>>>>>UPDATE to this Important Rite-of-Passage Sr. Youth Group starts with a planning meeting Sunday, Sept. 8th 10:00 am—with breakfast! Confirmation Class starts Sunday, Sept. 15th 10:00 am >>>We are now using…

Why was the Creation Care Ministry formed: During the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Diocese of Western Oregon, there was a call for parishes to become carbon-neutral by 2030. This…

Dear Beloved Community, [After attending Beaverton Pride Celebration with some of the congregation last Sunday, June 30th] I’vebeen thinking about the t-shirts I had made for Beaverton Pride. They say,…

Dear Beloved Community- Starting June 1, we are, with Bishop Akiyama’s consent, going to be using A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by the Rev. Wilda C. Gafney as…

New to the Episcopal Church? This 53 minute Instructed Eucharist video produced by the national church would be very helpful in understanding how Episcopalians worship and the meaning of terms…

I am delighted to introduce to you the St. Gabriel Creation Care Team. The team consists of myself, my husband, Gary, our Junior Warden, Gene Dietzman, Ian Smith, and Diane…

It hasn’t been just work, work, work on the May 12th testimony for our youth- the jr. and sr. youth went to a magical place called Wonderwood in St. John’s…

Please join us at St. Gabriel the Archangel for Holy Week Services and Events- All are welcome and we’d love to see you!

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