Rev. Karen Tiegs’ “Advent for Every Body” Podcast Segment

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland has offered an invitation this Advent to join them as we consider all the ways in which human bodies have and continue to bear God in our world with Advent for Every Body, a daily Advent Calendar podcast. How is our understanding of God deepened and nourished in one another – in bodies that have been held up for generations as inappropriate, shameful, or incomplete?

St. Gabriel the Archangel parishioner Rev. Karen Tiegs spoke about her very personal take on the theme for the podcast for December 5th. Listen to her tender and thought-provoking segment by clicking the link below. “Anyone with cancer knows the challenge of loving our bodies when it seems like our bodies have turned against us.” Please continue to keep Karen+ and her family in your prayers.

Other daily Advent podcasts from Trinity can be accessed here.
~images from Trinity

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