I would never have thought that COVID would play such a large part in our lives as a congregation as we go through this period of transition. Just today, Page Clothier and I had to make the difficult decision to suspend the nursery, church school, and youth group until February. We will continue to have in-person worship and offer Zoom as a worship option.

I think of the challenges we have faced and overcome, and the incredible love the members of this congregation have for one another, and I am reminded that the Holy Spirit is strong in this place and strong in each of us. I ask you all to take whatever steps are necessary for you to remain safe and secure. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are in any need or even if you just want to talk. Know that the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is with you and will remain with you always.

In the love of Christ, Everett+

The Rev. Everett Charters

Assisting Priest
St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church
17435 NW West Union Road
Portland, OR 97229

© 2021 St Gabriel Episcopal Church

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