Why was the Creation Care Ministry formed:
During the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Diocese of Western Oregon, there was a call for parishes to
become carbon-neutral by 2030. This is in keeping with a 2022 resolution by the National Episcopal Church.
What is carbon neutrality?
Carbon-neutrality refers to eliminating carbon emissions from a building and church operations so that no carbon (carbon dioxide, methane) is added to the atmosphere. Energy generated through the use of fossil fuels for space and water heat, cooking, electricity, and church programs is the main source of carbon emissions in our facilities. Alternative energy production (wind, solar, water) creates fewer if any such emissions. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 will require substantial reductions in the use of carbon-based energy.
What is St. Gabriel’s doing to address carbon neutrality:
The Diocesan Creation Care Congregational Resources document outlines steps toward reaching the
carbon-neutrality goal. They include: 1) forming a Creation Care Team, 2) conducting an energy audit of our facility, 3) calculating our carbon footprint, and 4) creating a plan and timeline.
In early 2024, St. Gabriel’s formed a Creation Care Team which has been meeting monthly to implement this mission and to create an action plan to achieve the carbon goals set by the diocese. The Creation Care Team has met with an energy assessor and also the Energy Trust of Oregon to assess our energy use and achievable solutions to make our facility more energy efficient. Data from the utility bills of the church were used to conduct a footprint analysis for energy use of the building, showing a current net carbon output at 19.5 metric tons of CO2 per year. Natural gas usage accounted for 16.2 metric tons of that total. Based on information from the energy assessment, the Creation Care Team created a plan and is working on a timeline to achieve carbon neutrality goals. These include:
Installation of solar shades to prevent excessive heating in the sanctuary;
Replacement of incandescent lights with energy efficient LED lights;
Replacement of an aging HVAC system with a geothermal or conventional heat pump system.
Who are the Creation Care Team members?
Henrietta Laustsen
Gary Laustsen
Gene Dietzman
Diane Leonard
Sara Longworth
Ian Smith
The Creation Care Team is working hard to make St. Gabriel’s a leader in caring for our Lord’s beautiful Earth. We welcome questions, ideas, and congregational expertise as we move forward. For additional information, please contact Henrietta Laustsen, henriettalaustsen@stgabrielpdx.org.