Dear Beloved Community-
Starting June 1, we are, with Bishop Akiyama’s consent, going to be using A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church by the Rev. Wilda C. Gafney as the source of our lectionary readings for June, July, and August. As Bishop Akiyama wrote:
“The purpose of the Revised Common Lectionary is to make available for use on Sundays Scripture readings that are consistent across worshiping communities. Yet, the manner in which the narrative of females in our Scriptures has been neglected in terms of critique regarding the problematic practice of omitting or ignoring them is hardly “Good News” for women.”
The Rev. Gafney’s lectionary is an attempt to right that wrong, and I am happy that we are going to get the chance to experience her amazing scholarship and passion in developing this alternative lectionary.
Next, on June 9th, our liturgy at 8 am and at 10 am will be drawn from The Common Liturgy of the Eucharist Holy Communion for The Church of North India, The Church of South India, and The Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar. Summer has become a time when we experiment in our worship and so we are going to celebrate with this wonderful liturgy from our cousins in the Anglican Communion.
On June 15th, I will be leaving to participate in the “The Leader’s Way” program at the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University. Beginning with 6 days at Yale and continuing with 6 months of online learning, the Leader’s Way supports Episcopal clergy called to be change agents in their communities.
On Sunday June 30th at 10:00 am we will have Mass on the Grass, our now annual outdoor service on the hillside.
June 30th is also the day of the Beaverton Pride 2024 Celebration.
Also, remember that starting in July and going through August we are going to have only one service on Sunday at 9:00 am. We will be going back and forth from Rite I to Rite II. There is a calendar of services on the opening page of our website.
In the peace and love of Christ,