Our parish is in the process of searching for a new rector.
The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” – St. Gabriel to Mary, Luke 1:35
The mission of St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church is to share the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ and to help each other on our spiritual journey with God.
Prayer for Our Search Process
Holy One, Open our hearts and minds that we may discern your will. Grant us patience and perseverance as we wonder and wait for the one whom you send. We pray for a new rector who will help us embody the deep and unbounded love of Christ that is alive in our parish and community. Help the search committee to listen and respond with wisdom and gratitude each step of the way.
Dear candidate,
Welcome to this tab on the St. Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church website. We are excited you are considering entering into this discernment process with us. To get more insight into our community, please review our Parish Profile and ministries, and then review the selected YouTube links below that highlight some of our music and sermons.
If our community speaks to you, we encourage you to apply by sending your cover letter, resume and OTM responses to the Diocese of Oregon’s Missioner for Thriving Congregations Chris Craun at chrisc@diocese-oregon.org or 971-204-4116.
As we move forward with you in this process, we will keep in touch with you through email or telephone. We look forward to beginning a dialogue with you. Through this discernment interviewing process, we will be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Praying you in,
The St. Gabriel’s Search Committee